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djkohs 09-09-2009 10:25 AM

Delta hiring practices/re-interview?
I have a two part question regarding past Delta hiring practices, and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the subject.

For those unfamiliar with the Delta interview process (at least in early '08), the first day of the interview esentially involved two parts: a computer test (knowledege, psych, and cog), and then a 3-person panel interview. If you passed the computer portion, you moved on to the panel. For those who didn't pass the computer portion, you were sent home but had the offer to come back in 6 months to give it another try. For those who passed the computer portion, but did not pass the 3-person panel portion, you were sent home and banned from re-interviewing for life.

Do you think that if/when Delta starts to hire:

1. Will those who originally had the offer to come back in 6 months will be given any sort of preferential treatment to return for an interview, or has their window elasped and they will have to start over?

2. Do you think that with the Delta/NWA merger, anything will change as far as letting those that did not pass the original panel portion re-interview, or will this rule remain?

Thanks for your input....just trying to be optimistic for when things pick back up... :rolleyes:

ablack722 09-09-2009 10:35 AM

3. What about the people who were in the pool at NWA (already hired) before they cancelled all their future classes?

EMBFlyer 09-09-2009 11:00 AM

That's a damn good question. I, for one, was not successful in the panel interview. However, half the group that interviewed with me (last day before they shut the doors) were in the same boat. It'd be nice we got another chance, however, I'm not holding my breath.

forgot to bid 09-09-2009 11:02 AM

I have a friend who was due back to interview after failing the cog/computer test in October/November of 07 and would've been back but hiring stopped. I am very curious on how that'll work too for them when, if, Delta hires.

BlueMoon 09-09-2009 11:23 AM

Just out of curiosity...Does anyone know the reasoning behind the 'banning' for failing the three person panel interview? Seems like a rare practice (to me at least).

acl65pilot 09-09-2009 11:34 AM

Well let me try.

First anything is possible next time around. It all depends on what and who is in charge of the interview. Prior to 2007 if someone failed the interview they were able to come back again, so that said, that pratice many be revamped by the next person in charge.

As for the last time, if one failed the cog they got to come back in six months. If one failed the interview, they were done for good. If one failed the psyche, they went to a panel for review. Many people made it past this part, but if you did not you were done. Now the medical due to the Hippa laws et al, was just a yes or no. The yes, or no was given to DAL, with no details, because frankly it is illegal do do son since about 1996.

I know many, like myself that were cut off in 2001. Hired, interviewed, or just invited that were given an offer to come interview again at our earliest convenience. I am sure that practice will continue.
I do not know if people that DAL has popped out of the process will get a second crack at it. Many of those that interviewed in the past are the most likely to do it again, and they believed in the process.

djkohs 05-05-2010 08:35 AM

Has anyone heard any word on the topic of this post? :confused:

acl65pilot 05-05-2010 09:00 AM

There will not be guidance on this until letters are sent to pilots offered classes but not hired, and letters sent to people who interviewed but failed.

The time frame between hires is going to be two plus years. That is significant. They may offer pilots that were hired the option to reinterview, They may offer pilots that failed the cog to return. They may offer pilots that failed the panel interview to return. Who knows.

Like I have said it will be up to HR, and the pilot in charge of the process. If the word on the street is correct on who will head it, I would suspect not. There will be 20K applications on file for a few hundred jobs. I would suspect that those offered off the street will easily be Leadership material or better at Delta. The competition initially is fierce.

Wait and see. It is all hearsay until they make a call. Do not stress about it, it is truly out of your hands.

If I failed I would reapply just to make sure my stuff was in.

EMBFlyer 05-05-2010 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by acl65pilot (Post 806806)
There will not be guidance on this until letters are sent to pilots offered classes but not hired, and letters sent to people who interviewed but failed.

The time frame between hires is going to be two plus years. That is significant. They may offer pilots that were hired the option to reinterview, They may offer pilots that failed the cog to return. They may offer pilots that failed the panel interview to return. Who knows.

Like I have said it will be up to HR, and the pilot in charge of the process. If the word on the street is correct on who will head it, I would suspect not. There will be 20K applications on file for a few hundred jobs. I would suspect that those offered off the street will easily be Leadership material or better at Delta. The competition initially is fierce.

Wait and see. It is all hearsay until they make a call. Do not stress about it, it is truly out of your hands.

If I failed I would reapply just to make sure my stuff was in.

My application is up to date, just in case.

-Failed the Panel Portion, but would love a chance to try again.

Grounded320 05-05-2010 11:17 AM

I hope there is some compassion for the NWA hires like myself that were left hanging after the pool was dumped. My last flight was in May of 08. I went back to school while I waited and hoped since there absolutely no jobs out there. I recently just took at DC9 job offered to me by some really nice people. I wonder if they would even consider me at this point. I should be current by August. I really hope that they give us another chance. I personally lost everything I had, but I love flying and I was willing to leave it all on the line for my dream job. Now that dream is Delta!

tankerpuke 05-05-2010 07:21 PM

I'm of the same sentiment and situation as you EMBFlyer. I have some DAL buds headed to ATL this week to ask and I will post if they find something out.

GunshipGuy 05-21-2010 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by djkohs (Post 675790)
I have a two part question regarding past Delta hiring practices, and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the subject.

For those unfamiliar with the Delta interview process (at least in early '08), the first day of the interview esentially involved two parts: a computer test (knowledege, psych, and cog), and then a 3-person panel interview. If you passed the computer portion, you moved on to the panel. For those who didn't pass the computer portion, you were sent home but had the offer to come back in 6 months to give it another try. For those who passed the computer portion, but did not pass the 3-person panel portion, you were sent home and banned from re-interviewing for life.

Do you think that if/when Delta starts to hire:

1. Will those who originally had the offer to come back in 6 months will be given any sort of preferential treatment to return for an interview, or has their window elasped and they will have to start over?

2. Do you think that with the Delta/NWA merger, anything will change as far as letting those that did not pass the original panel portion re-interview, or will this rule remain?

Thanks for your input....just trying to be optimistic for when things pick back up... :rolleyes:

My experience was not quite what you described above. Just a small detail, but maybe worth noting: Some in my interview group went to the panel interview prior to testing. It was completely random. Some went to testing first.

As to your questions I'm in no position to know so I'm sorry I can't add anything to what's been said.

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