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Worldguy 01-14-2008 02:35 PM

Purple Forum/Brown Forum
You guys are one of the leaders in pay/benifits in this business, and yet we, the rest of the business, have to sort through your dirty laundry to get to what we consider relevant posts. PLEASE, get an internal forum, somewhere, somehow. We know you can do it.

Yes, I know, I can just not read the posts I am not interested in,....but that is easier said than done on far from home african or middle eastern "high speed" connections.

Get a BBS of you own, please.
I, and surely others, are very close to giving up visiting this board for real information, because it is dominated by UPS and FedEX inside *****ing business. Who else cares about your disputed pairings, bid awards, FDAs, sounds internal to the most of us.

Flame away.

APC, it's not your fault these guys dont have a place of thier own, it is theirs. They obviously have the resourses, because the pay and QOL is so good, they just dont have anyone on their senority lists that have the wherewithall to make it happen.

Busboy 01-14-2008 02:38 PM

OK. We'll get right on that. We just need someone that's available to set it up...FH, why don't you get on that while you're healing?

Wildmanny 01-14-2008 02:41 PM

Easy there friend. We had our own board but the moderators moved us back over here because of admin reasons (it being too difficult to let everyone have their own boards).

We are trying to figure out a better way and most guys are posting FDX in front of their threads to highlight their postings.

It has nothing to do with us having the resources to have our own board. Trust me, we would all rather be on our old Purple Tails forum.


Worldguy 01-14-2008 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by Wildmanny (Post 299672)
We are trying to figure out a better way and most guys are posting FDX in front of their threads to highlight their postings.

It has nothing to do with us having the resources to have our own board. Trust me, we would all rather be on our old Purple Tails forum.


I appreciate your response.
World is an obviously small fish in this pond, but we have a BBS that we air our laundry on and have done so for over a decade, and it works helluva well. I just dont get why the groups of UPS and Fedex, as sophisticated as they obviously are, and with the such high caliber of employees that they are made up of, can't formulate the same sort of forum for themselves.


DiamondZ 01-14-2008 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by Worldguy (Post 299660)
what we consider relevant posts.
Flame away.

Who is we? And when did you decide what is relevant, rather pompous, no?

SaltyDog 01-14-2008 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by Worldguy (Post 299660)
You guys are one of the leaders in pay/benifits in this business, and yet we, the rest of the business, have to sort through your dirty laundry to get to what we consider relevant posts. PLEASE, get an internal forum, somewhere, somehow. We know you can do it.

Yes, I know, I can just not read the posts I am not interested in,....but that is easier said than done on far from home african or middle eastern "high speed" connections.

Get a BBS of you own, please.
I, and surely others, are very close to giving up visiting this board for real information, because it is dominated by UPS and FedEX inside *****ing business. Who else cares about your disputed pairings, bid awards, FDAs, sounds internal to the most of us.

Flame away.

APC, it's not your fault these guys dont have a place of thier own, it is theirs. They obviously have the resourses, because the pay and QOL is so good, they just dont have anyone on their senority lists that have the wherewithall to make it happen.

No flame, but what are you looking for then on the "cargo" forum that is relevant to you if you are not looking anywhere? Thread creep is a bear, is on any forum, not just the UPS/Fedex threads.
I like to look what is going on at Purple because it is a snapshot comparison of issues we face at brown. I would have no other wide visibility of their issues.
One of the b@$t@rds ;)

Sniper 01-14-2008 02:54 PM

I know many who aspire to employment with other companies appreciate the ability to find out if the company and its culture are desirable to them.

I know a couple guys who have decided not to pursue a career with certain carriers because of the information found in these forums. I know others who can't wait to join the fray and look to these forums for information and networking.

Knowledge is power, right? If the pilots of certain companies choose to frequent these forums while others don't, then so be it.

I don't understand why Fed Ex was brought back into the main cargo forum rather than keeping them in a 'sub-forum', though. Sure made it easier for me, but perhaps the moderators had a different take on it.

Worldguy 01-14-2008 02:57 PM

I personally suggested the separate forum many months ago, and people flamed all over the suggestion, then it happened and the people involved were delighted to the extent that when it was going away they complained, and posted polls to try to save the separate forum. Now, the separate forums are gone and I am simply suggesting that the dirty laundry and internal ***** sessions be moved to a forum of your own making.

I, and I suspect many others, visit this forum to get a glimpse of the business in general, what is going on in the INDUSTRY, what contracts are going where, where is the grown/expansion, NOT how is the FEDEX MEC letting thier guys down or where is the IPA representation. Each representative organization is derived from it's membership. The rest of the world, and until UPS/FEDEX control the world, are not interested in your internal battles.

If I am wrong, then let the readership say so, non UPS/FEDEX, of course, and I will shut my pie hole.


nightfreight 01-14-2008 03:00 PM


I realize how it pains you to sort through these message boards. Oh my, how will you ever do it??

Without the Fdx and UPS postings, this board would be almost nonexistant. Maybe you should go back to your internal boards (and wow are they sophisticated!) where all you need to focus on is World. Sorry to intrude in your personal world...

FDX had our own board, but the guys at APC pulled the plug. We would prefer having it back anyway.

Worldguy 01-14-2008 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by nightfreight (Post 299693)

I realize how it pains you to sort through these message boards. Oh my, how will you ever do it??

Without the Fdx and UPS postings, this board would be almost nonexistant. Maybe you should go back to your internal boards (and wow are they sophisticated!) where all you need to focus on is World. Sorry to intrude in your personal world...

FDX had our own board, but the guys at APC pulled the plug. We would prefer having it back anyway.

APC pulled the plug on YOUR own internal forum, that speaks volumes. I rest my case.


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