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BoilerUP 03-23-2006 11:38 AM

UPS jumpseat to PHL
I'm hoping to catch a ride on Brown to PHL in a few days and was wondering what the easist way was to get from the UPS hub to the pax terminal. I know there's always a taxi, but being a probationary regional pilot I'm hoping to minimize the cost as much as possible.

All ideas are appreciated. Thanks!

Browntail 03-23-2006 12:50 PM

Since you brownosed your way with management as an intern, maybe one of the ACPs will give you a ride. Otherwise pony up for a cab fare.

BoilerUP 03-23-2006 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by Browntail
Since you brownosed your way with management as an intern, maybe one of the ACPs will give you a ride. Otherwise pony up for a cab fare.

Thanks for the good information and encouraging words :rolleyes:

Freight Dog 03-23-2006 03:56 PM

BoilerUP, if your UPS crew is going to the hotel they should be happy to drop you off at the terminal. If they aren't, an Ass't Chief Pilot could offer you a ride over. As a last resort, the bus or a taxi. Welcome aboard.

BoilerUP 03-23-2006 04:42 PM

I'd hate to inconvenience an ACP to beg for a ride (I'm not THAT broke) but I will keep those suggestions in mind. I figure a couple bucks to the van driver might help me out if the crew doesn't mind a short detour.

Thanks for the info!

Freight Dog 03-23-2006 04:53 PM

It'll work out for you, BoilerUP. We get so few offline jumpseaters that when we do most crews go the extra mile to make your experience on us a good one.

Email me at: john at and let me know what date/flight # you're arriving in PHL. I have an idea.

Trash Hauler 1 03-23-2006 08:35 PM

Wrong tree

Originally Posted by Browntail
Since you brownosed your way with management as an intern, maybe one of the ACPs will give you a ride. Otherwise pony up for a cab fare.

Hey Browntail,
I think you're barking up the wrong tree here. If you're thinking this is the same tool as UPSCAPT, I don't think so. If you have other info, let's hear it.


Browntail 03-24-2006 06:02 AM

I know who this guy is. He's a former intern at UPS who went to school at Purdue, currently works for air wisconsin and is trying to get a slot in the guard.

BoilerUP 03-24-2006 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by Browntail
I know who this guy is. He's a former intern at UPS who went to school at Purdue, currently works for air wisconsin and is trying to get a slot in the guard.

Since you know my details (which for the most part have been available on this board and others) and might even know who I really am, hello! Nice to meet ya - but I'm not quite sure where your hostility towards me comes from. I enjoyed my time at UPS, working with both management and line crews and nobody I ever spoke with seemed to have a problem with me...

The guy who threatened my UPT slot a while back was a helluva shock to somebody who signed up for this board and then didn't post for MONTHS. I've never bothered to figure out just WTF that was all about, but rest assured I have far better things to do then slam UPS and its pilots anonymously on a message board. I had a wonderful opportunity and I hope in a few years I can come back and be junior to you guys and gals.

I'm just a guy trying to CASS to work, thats all...and I'd be very thankful and appreciative for the ride. If you see somebody in a blue & silver uniform looking lost in the ASC soon, come up and say hello.

Priority 3 03-24-2006 08:59 AM

Hey Browntail, what exactly is your problem with BoilerUp? That he was a management intern? Grow up.

AmericanIdiot#1 03-25-2006 05:15 AM


Ease up a little. This guy does not deserve all the hostility you are dishing out.


To Stay or Go 03-25-2006 06:01 PM

Maybe it has something to do with a UPS intern impersonating a mgt Cpt and trying to create distress among APC readers?

BoilerUP 03-25-2006 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by To Stay or Go
Maybe it has something to do with a UPS intern impersonating a mgt Cpt and trying to create distress among APC readers?

If that really was the case, I can guaran-damn-tee you that intern wasn't me.

TipsyMcStagger 04-11-2006 04:27 AM

Anyone know specifically what bus to take from the terminal to the UPS gateway (on Hog Island Road) in PHL?

Also, wondering what the frequency of the bus is on a Sunday.



captain_drew 04-11-2006 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by BoilerUP
I'm just a guy trying to CASS to work, thats all...and I'd be very thankful and appreciative for the ride. If you see somebody in a blue & silver uniform looking lost in the ASC soon, come up and say hello.

Well, that’s the ticket, then.

Let me give you a little down home Purple philosophy. Show up bright-eyed and bushy tailed, with some cookies.

No foolin’! Back in the ‘old days’ when FedEx was a small family atmosphere. . ALL the jumpseaters would show up with cookies or brownies and they acted TRULY appreciative for the ride. We hauled ANY employee around . . and believe me, in the Falcon, it was up close and personal.

Over the years I rode countless times from ONT to PHL to pick up a week’s flying PHL/IND or PHL/MEM. On every occasion, the crew was gracious and friendly and OFFERED me a ride when we hit the ramp. No begging. .THEY initiated the offer . . after conversing with them about the purpose of my trip PHL. DON’T sit in our seat with your arms folded -or napping the leg away! INTERACT, converse, ask questions . . when appropriate and let them know you REALLY appreciate the favor.

I was usually going to the downtown hotel for an abbreviated layover before the 1st revenue leg -and they dropped me off at the front door . . but .. many times they had the car swing by the terminal to drop one of the crew off to catch his commercial D/H home. A couple of times I was actually on days off and went back to visit my daughter, who was going to college at Villanova . . and they dropped me off at the nearest train stop.

Even though I was ‘the competition’ they were ALWAYS warm, friendly and gracious. I thanked them profusely at the time. .but to any Brown bodies out there . . THANKS AGAIN . .Fraternally

captain_drew 04-11-2006 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by BoilerUP
I can guaran-damn-tee you that intern wasn't me.

OH . .and . .BTW . . take the original of your Avatar and use PhotoShop to ‘lighten up” Jack a little. Be about the only way Jack lightens up :D . . good photo . . but WAY too dark

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