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V For Velocity 11-19-2016 05:37 AM

Burn After Reading (But Before Voting)
As seen elsewhere on the interwebs...

Originally Posted by Larry the Lurker

The Dead Sky Scrolls

The Walking Dead is not simply a scary monster show. The zombies provide a plot device to build a post-apocalyptic world where the true monsters are the people who have yet to be bitten. Once you get used to the “walkers”, they end up being simply one-dimensional, slow-moving, mindless, blood-thirsty insatiable flesh-eaters that you simply deal with to survive, much like airline managements.

The latest season of the show started 3 weeks ago by resolving a cliffhanger. Ironically our TA was revealed about the same time two show regulars were brutally beaten to death in the premiere by the most ruthless villain the group of survivors had ever encountered. The first person died because of payback for a previous attack, while the second was murdered precisely because someone, unfortunately, tried to resist. Even though the point was made, the defacto leader of the depleted and demoralized survivors was then taken down another notch or two in a series of humiliations to ensure absolute obedience and subservience.

After releasing his newly minted serfs to return home, the badass despot, Negan, shows up at the group’s gated and walled compound a few days early to collect his first “tribute”. He logically confiscates their weapons and ammunition so they will be less able to resist. He takes half of their “stuff” including medicine and vehicles. Surprisingly he even takes all the beds out of their homes. The deal or “Bankruptcy Protection Letter” the survivors thought they had, did not protect them from this determined dictator. They thought they were in a negotiation while Negan thought he was Christmas shopping. Rick, the fallen leader, even offers up a unilateral “concession” in the form of a hidden hunting rifle Negan didn’t know about to show good will and preserve the peace at all costs.

Right before he leaves, Negan asks for the barbwire-wrapped bat he calls Lucille back. During the entire display of power, Negan made Rick carry Lucille around. Although he nervously squeezes it, Rick never raises the bat in defiance. Lucille was what Negan had used to kill two of their friends right in front of them when they first met. When leaving, Negan pretends he forgot about Lucille as he turns around and asks for “her” back from Rick. If you are a precious snowflake that melts when raw language is used, do not read the next sentence. Negan leans into Rick and says: “In case you haven’t caught on, I just slid my dick down your throat and you thanked me for it.”

The episode ends when someone goes on a scavenging run outside the walls. They see something unusual that catches their attention. It is a column of smoke on the horizon. When they reach the fire they discover it is a pile of box springs and mattresses. Negan didn’t want or even need the beds. He simply took them precisely because he could.

Twenty years ago the Delta pilot group was struggling with a contract vote, the very first one in their history. A former MEC Chairman came back to fight a stingy, belligerent company that had escalating demands and a seemingly unlimited appetite for “operational needs”. They were fighting off a perceived threat from an alternative union as well as Scope violations. There was a huge polarizing issue involving a retirement promise Delta made to the senior pilots that they wanted to weasel out of. The junior pilots had an entirely different slate of concerns, since some of them had been the furloughed hostages. Once the vote was over, the dust settled, and the concessions became obvious, the deal became known as POS 96. It miraculously passed without anyone ever admitting to have voted for it two years later.

Everyone needs to vote this time. Do not pass on your obligation to the Delta Pilots’ future. You may change your mind, and if you do, you can change that vote as many times as you change your mind prior to the Dec 1 deadline. You have to vote first before you change it though. Read the TA thoroughly. There are a lot of changes. Some are good and some are not good. If you think everything is perfect, then you either didn’t read it or you have extremely low standards. If you think every single thing sucks, then you didn’t notice the pay. I will let “If you like your Profit Sharing, you can keep your Profit Sharing” stand on its own. The PS language is not the same as C2012, nor is the way the association is treating a whole parade of one-time charges suddenly becoming operational expenses. Much like operational needs, they are in the eye of the beholder. The company overuses the word “operational” in the same way a sailor does the four-letter work for fornication. The Scope is all over the map. The rejected EASK for Block Hour swap from TA2015 returns as an either/or, but it is still a lower limit than currently. It may be a more global number with more written protections however this clause has been ignored for four years. Is this an operational need or simply a company taking advantage of a pilot group trying to play nice? There are at least a dozen other new or modified programs that the managers say are necessary. Company overreach is to be expected. Greedy is as Greedy does.

Regardless of the outcome, there will be consequences to our vote. We will have a lot of work to do with either outcome. Read the after action report for POS 96 commonly known as the Ryan Report. There is a lot of universal human nature on display in there. Some still claim it is as much a tale of fiction as the graphic novel, The Walking Dead. To occupy that territory means Mr. Ryan was almost as clairvoyant as Jules Verne describing a modern submarine, HG Wells a moon landing, or George Orwell the totalitarian surveillance state. Too many of the issues he raised still exist today. Twenty Years of progress walking in a circle. For now, read the TA thoroughly, vote, then read the Ryan Report.

I don’t know if it was Jagger/Richards or Fred/Barney, however the ‘Stones said it best:

You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes well you just might find

You get what you need

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