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Superpilot92 09-26-2007 01:52 PM

Frontier/ExpressJet Info

freezingflyboy 09-26-2007 05:47 PM

Any idea where those birds are coming from? Are they coming off the branded side? Under-utilized charter aircraft?

Booker 09-27-2007 04:43 AM

I believe they're being pulled from charter, but don't quote me on it.

flyerfly 09-27-2007 10:21 AM

I always thought TSA was a bottom feeder but now I'm not so sure....

JoeyMeatballs 09-27-2007 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by flyerfly (Post 238167)
I always thought TSA was a bottom feeder but now I'm not so sure....

your right you are clueless.......................

Comments like that **** me off, we had CAL withdrawal 69 airplanes from the CPA, why you ask? Because Larry & Co felt as though we were charging them too much, so our management could have done it for less, asking us, the employees for concessions. Thats not what happened. Our management told Larry to go **** Himself. Here we are taking a big risk with Branded and an airline comes to us and asks us to fly some of the routes, and that makes us a bottom feeder? If I didn't want to get kicked of APC I would call you an idiot............

JoeyMeatballs 09-27-2007 10:30 AM

AWAC is a good company so Im not going to start bashing your airline but I dont see your airline doing anything spectacular other than paying for the US Airways flying

flyerfly 09-27-2007 10:39 AM

We didn't pay for it... we invested in our future. Not only did we make all of that money back two fold but we secured a 15 year contract with them for our ENTIRE fleet. I think that is pretty spectacular. I'm not bashing, I think ExpressJet is a saint of a company for treating you and your fellow employees as well as the do. However, I have heard many people much like yourself make fun of companies like TSA that will take just any flying. I have you know that TSA has no plan on accepting any flying that isn't long term.

I am simply making a noble observation

mking84 09-27-2007 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by flyerfly (Post 238176)
We didn't pay for it... we invested in our future.

The pot said to the kettle.

Roper92 09-27-2007 12:50 PM

Calling a company a bottom feeder is a noble observation? ok..

I don't believe bottom feeders lose their flying for being too expensive. If ExpressJet wins a contract for flying all while treating their employees well and keeping high morale, then you should be happy for them. We need more airlines like XJET out there. When a company that treats their employees like crap wins flying, it hurts all pilots and lowers their value. You are either jealous of XJET or just plain ignorant on this matter.

freezingflyboy 09-27-2007 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by flyerfly (Post 238167)
I always thought TSA was a bottom feeder but now I'm not so sure....

Sooooo....Lynx can't get their act together quick enough, Frontier comes to XJT for the lift they need to start the routes they've committed to (and sold tickets for) and that makes XJT a bottom feeder?:confused: Think this would be a good time for you to put down the bong before you kill too many more brain cells...

dojetdriver 09-27-2007 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by flyerfly (Post 238167)
I always thought TSA was a bottom feeder but now I'm not so sure....

I'm pretty sure that your assumption is a little off. It's probably more a relationship of convenience than F9 going with a "bottom feeder", if you will.

It's no secret, LYNX is having issues getting up and running, and won't be able to make the service date that was planned. XJET has a few aircraft laying around that could probably use some utilization. F9 already approached XJET for flying a while ago. Apparently, they wanted larger feed aircraft, XJET was unable. So I'm sure that F9 already new the costs associated with XJET flying for them. As well as what kind of performance reliability we would be able to give them.

Now here is probably the MOST important part of how this little temporary business arrangement came about. Are you by chance familiar with JB's little debacle not too long ago with their EMB's? Are you familiar with how QUICKLY xjet was able to get an operation up and running for them? I'm guessing you don't based on your posting. It was less than a week, xjet was able to have assets in place and and spooled up quickly, and xjt ended up doing a pretty good job by the way.

I'm sure it's not too hard to figure out, but I'm sure that F9 watched and took notice when this all happened. But I'm sure you probably knew all of the above, right?

G-Dog 09-27-2007 04:05 PM

You guys are wasting your time responding to this ill-informed poster. He wishes he flew for X-jet.

flyerfly 09-27-2007 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by G-Dog (Post 238349)
You guys are wasting your time responding to this ill-informed poster. He wishes he flew for X-jet.

No..I don't.

Flyboy8784 09-27-2007 07:21 PM

Any of you XJET'rs know how long the contract is for?? is it just temporary until LYNX gets up and running or is it gonna continue after that...ill admit i breezed through the article....didnt study it. so i apologize if that questions already been answered.

I wonder if F9 talked to awac about pickin up some flying....then again unless it a 10 year or greater contract....our owners dont seem to be interested. : /

Maybe we can pick up some flying for Jetblue :p

ExperimentalAB 09-27-2007 07:22 PM

The flying will continue through January, from how I take in the Article...Still interested where those planes are coming from?? Branded or Charter??

useless 09-27-2007 08:04 PM

flyerfly.... your still an RJ pilot it doesn't matter who you work for... you're all bottom feeders. Get over it. Your job barely takes a pulse, just like mine.

ChinsFive 09-27-2007 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by ExperimentalAB (Post 238477)
The flying will continue through January, from how I take in the Article...Still interested where those planes are coming from?? Branded or Charter??

It's only going to take 3 or 4 airplanes, I imagine they come from charter or they use spares from branded. I don't think it matters where they are comming from.

Flyboy8784 09-27-2007 08:55 PM

Easy there Useless. We are not all bottom feeders. You gonna call a 30 year Captain from Piedmont or PSA a bottom feeder?? A guy who was there when they were flying jets thats carried over 100 people and are now forced to fly Dashes at CRJ's? Or how bout an former BA146 Captain with Awac who lost his 100 seat airplane to an CRJ because UA dropped them like a bad habit when they went belly gonna call him a bottom feeder??? Just because we fly small airplanes doesnt mean we are bottom feeders. Although you might be one depending on who you fly for or how you got your job.

It may take just a pulse to get hired nowadays, but you sure as hell need more than a pulse to fly one. So lighten up

tpersuit 09-28-2007 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by flyerfly (Post 238388)
No..I don't.

Yes, you do.

useless 09-29-2007 09:22 AM

If you are working for a company who doesn't fly the name of there company on the side of their plane, but flies someone elses (ie express/connection) your fighting over scraps. Whatever they will give you for as cheap as they can get it.

I have flown with good, proficient people and some who provide not much more than a warm body. Sad really. A months worth of IOE. Come on. Let me guess hired right out of the pilot mill. Still trying to grasp the fundamentals, like when to flare. These are the people available.

jedinein 09-29-2007 02:53 PM

The pilot mill folks are only about half the classes, at least of the last six classes I looked over at one particular regional. The other half were those older folks that finally made the jump to a regional, deciding that this was the right time and right airline for them, have no desperation on their part, could very well retire there, and are happy with their decision.

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