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Pakagecheck 05-03-2017 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Nightman (Post 2356875)
I feel like they did vet the applications to an extent though. If they just took the first 400 people why did it take 2 weeks to get a reply? And why were there no 1500 hour newbies there? It just felt like everyone there was competitive. At least the ones I talked to.

There were newbies. The 2 weeks, simple. first event, not streamlined yet, and I know this is a shocker but putting on this event was not ANY of workers first priority. I know it hard to believe but this was an additional duty for everyone involved. The pilot hiring office didn't shut down for this to be put on, and the planes still gotta fly. But, if you want to think vetting took place, have at it.

Jeff Lebowski 05-03-2017 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pakagecheck (Post 2356871)
So, I can guarantee there was no vetting. The entire purpose of the event was so outsiders could get an inside view of what FedEx has to offer...... facilities, mission, type of flying and the people. In 2004, plenty of pilots went from the 1900 to the Majors. Sorry you wasted your time at the event. Not sure what you were expecting. I'm also sorry over 100 pilots volunteered their time to put this event on away from their families for you to feel it was useless. Especially since over 2800 applicants DIDN'T get to attend that might have found it useful.

Best of luck.......

Ok ... so there was no vetting. Then why did our guy tell us there was?

And I'm pretty sure, as has already been stated, that all of us who took a couple of days out of our lives, sprang for hotels and rental cars and Uber's and in some cases airline tickets, already knew what an outstanding organization FedEx was. You're preaching to the choir already.

From your post, I can only infer that you have some knowledge of the proceedings. Perhaps you were even one of those who so generously volunteered your time. And if that's the case, and my comments have offended you, then I apologize.

But at the same time, if what you say is true, and there was no vetting and this little shindy has no bearing whatsoever on whether we get The Call, then I have to wonder: what was the point? Was it to make FedEx feel better about FedEx? Was it all a big PR stunt? And I'm sorry but I've been inside big fancy buildings before. Same thing with simulator bays and classrooms. And I don't need to go to Memphis to eat good barbecue, either.

You say you don't know what I was expecting? Really?

slammer1906 05-03-2017 08:58 PM

Instant gratification. The nasty cultural defect of pilots.

Pakagecheck 05-03-2017 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff Lebowski (Post 2356887)
Ok ... so there was no vetting. Then why did our guy tell us there was?

And I'm pretty sure, as has already been stated, that all of us who took a couple of days out of our lives, sprang for hotels and rental cars and Uber's and in some cases airline tickets, already knew what an outstanding organization FedEx was. You're preaching to the choir already.

From your post, I can only infer that you have some knowledge of the proceedings. Perhaps you were even one of those who so generously volunteered your time. And if that's the case, and my comments have offended you, then I apologize.

But at the same time, if what you say is true, and there was no vetting and this little shindy has no bearing whatsoever on whether we get The Call, then I have to wonder: what was the point? Was it to make FedEx feel better about FedEx? Was it all a big PR stunt? And I'm sorry but I've been inside big fancy buildings before. Same thing with simulator bays and classrooms. And I don't need to go to Memphis to eat good barbecue, either.

You say you don't know what I was expecting? Really?

I can't answer why your Ambassador would say that, or how he or she might have insight to it, but I can tell you, he or she is mistaken. Pretty sure the website was clear about that.

As far as the event, pretty sure it was explained as well. Expo, not interview vetting. Sorry you read more into it than it was. Plenty haven't seen what FedEx has to offer and the point was to get a first hand look on why purple was different than the other options. But if you prefer to keep trying to read between the lines instead of the actual words, that's your choice.

As far as expectations, I truly don't know what you were expecting, but obviously it wasn't met. I guess next time, you can maybe try OBAP, or WIA like many people I know and get tickets, hotels or uber there instead and hopefully you won't be so disappointed.

Jeff Lebowski 05-03-2017 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by slammer1906 (Post 2356906)
Instant gratification. The nasty cultural defect of pilots.

Been flying for 20 years. Stuck with it through the lost decade and never once thought of quitting. Paid my own way through college on the GI bill and paid for my own ratings and have managed to cobble together enough of a career to support a wife and three little ones. I drive a crappy old car and wear cheap clothes so that I can bank away money in my kids' college accounts. My greatest dream is that they have the opportunities I did not.

I gave up on instant gratification a long time ago, pal.

Herkpilot 05-03-2017 11:46 PM

I- for one- am very thankful I had the opportunity to attend the Expo yesterday. Why? Because dropping two trips and being away from my family an extra day allowed me the opportunity to shake the hands and enjoy the conversations of so many talented and eager fellow pilots and welcome them to FedEx. Meeting with you meant more to me than what those trips paid. The joy on the faces of those I spent hours talking to made my day.

You allowed me to show you what FedEx has to offer those who want to be here, I met many spouses who wanted to see why their other half spends so many hours to meticulously fill out an application and what it means, I got to see joy and happiness on the faces of people that dream of a better future. I got to meet some friends I haven't seen since my days in college, I got to explain what living in a foreign domicile might be like, what our bid pack looks like, what our pension and retirement options mean and how they compare to other airlines- it all reminded me of how I felt just a few years ago as the one 'on the outside looking in.'

Thank you for coming and for the opportunity to allow me to meet with you and spend some quality time 'talking about flying.' For many of you the call WILL come- keep the faith! It happened for me and it will happen for you. I hope the Expo allowed you to make a better informed decision on you and your families future. I look forward to 'seeing you on the line' and in ops.

slammer1906 05-04-2017 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Jeff Lebowski (Post 2356916)
Been flying for 20 years. Stuck with it through the lost decade and never once thought of quitting. Paid my own way through college on the GI bill and paid for my own ratings and have managed to cobble together enough of a career to support a wife and three little ones. I drive a crappy old car and wear cheap clothes so that I can bank away money in my kids' college accounts. My greatest dream is that they have the opportunities I did not.

I gave up on instant gratification a long time ago, pal.

Should've explained this to your ambassador. Not us, buddy.

Jeff Lebowski 05-04-2017 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by slammer1906 (Post 2356959)
Should've explained this to your ambassador. Not us, buddy.

If there'd been a chance I gladly would have.

Fdxlag2 05-04-2017 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jeff Lebowski (Post 2356887)
Ok ... so there was no vetting. Then why did our guy tell us there was?...

This place is run by accountants who run hiring through the lawyers. If the PDF says there was no advantage to coming to the expo, they will go out of the way to prove there was no advantage if you attended the expo, whether there was or not. Why do it, take them at there word, I am sure it is written on the PDF. Certainly they had other motives, but you will never prove it, so why try. Maybe one of their motives was to be able to weed out social media malcontents as they may feel they have enough of those already.:D

PotatoChip 05-04-2017 04:50 AM

I'd be interested in seeing a UPS version of this event.

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