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GiggityGoo 10-06-2015 01:07 PM

Don't Read if you have thin skin.
There have been a lot of great posts on here that have been professional and well written. This will be neither.

If you have thin skin or are sensitive, stop reading.

Let me tell you what i think about this TA.

Imagine if you will, you and your buds are going out for the night. Your dressed well, feeling good, all your buds are with you. You enter the club/bar/pub. You're having some drinks, sharing good stories, telling a few lies, and laughing. You are smiling at a few good looking women and getting some smiles back. Suddenly a big fat greasy woman approaches you. She hands you a few shots of some vile drink, you accept it and drink it. You notice she smells bad and has halitosis. She asks you in front of all your friends and god if you'd like to go back to your room and get it on! You decide, what the hell. Its better than nothing. You wake up the next day. Your wallets gone, your watch is gone, your phone is gone and it burns when you pee.

That nasty fat gross woman was the TA. Yeah, its something, but I wouldn't want to take it home, now or at the end of the night. Its better to wait for that hottie who smiled at you, or nothing at all. Sometimes nothing is better than something.

GetRealDude 10-06-2015 01:12 PM

Of course there will be those you upset with this commentary. They were warned in advance, yet looked at it anyway.

I thought it was hilarious! The problem is a lot of guys on this property have done the exact same thing in real life. Mostly Navy guys.

CloudSailor 10-06-2015 01:17 PM

Oh man... now THAT would be a fantastic analogy posted by one of our elected Reps! Laughing my ass off!

Thanks GiggityGoo.

MaxKts 10-06-2015 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by GetRealDude (Post 1986581)
Of course there will be those you upset with this commentary. They were warned in advance, yet looked at it anyway.

I thought it was hilarious! The problem is a lot of guys on this property have done the exact same thing in real life. Mostly Navy guys.

The Air Force guys never have this problem - they just go home with each other :D

GetRealDude 10-06-2015 02:26 PM

Good one.
The F-15 guys ruined it for all of us. Twin tail ... Pirates. Although NAS Oceana was a gold mine for WAGS while the fleet was out.

Mark2792 10-06-2015 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by GiggityGoo (Post 1986574)
There have been a lot of great posts on here that have been professional and well written. This will be neither.

If you have thin skin or are sensitive, stop reading.

Let me tell you what i think about this TA.

Imagine if you will, you and your buds are going out for the night. Your dressed well, feeling good, all your buds are with you. You enter the club/bar/pub. You're having some drinks, sharing good stories, telling a few lies, and laughing. You are smiling at a few good looking women and getting some smiles back. Suddenly a big fat greasy woman approaches you. She hands you a few shots of some vile drink, you accept it and drink it. You notice she smells bad and has halitosis. She asks you in front of all your friends and god if you'd like to go back to your room and get it on! You decide, what the hell. Its better than nothing. You wake up the next day. Your wallets gone, your watch is gone, your phone is gone and it burns when you pee.

That nasty fat gross woman was the TA. Yeah, its something, but I wouldn't want to take it home, now or at the end of the night. Its better to wait for that hottie who smiled at you, or nothing at all. Sometimes nothing is better than something.

You've been reading Tucker Max books haven't you?

busdriver12 10-06-2015 03:02 PM

You must know that FedEx pilots are mostly too old, too tired,and too married to relate to a story like this. Except for the Navy guys. But I don't want to be accused of posting like a "schoolyard bully" again, so I'll stop there.....;)

Rock 10-06-2015 03:05 PM

I enjoyed that. It's about as valid an argument as most others. Just more entertaining.

busdriver12 10-06-2015 03:13 PM

At least the story didn't end declaring you took the woman home and married her, because you were afraid. Or that you looked at yourself in the mirror and decided you needed to grow a pair.

MaydayMark 10-06-2015 03:20 PM

The best TA analogy I've seen yet! Hilarious!
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor ... (NOT TRUE)

And remember ... you can still change your vote! (where have we heard that before?)

The "big tease" in the 2006 contract was the REALLY BIG A380 pay rates in exchange for 757 narrow body pay. Our union assured us that the 777 was CLEARLY an A380 replacement and would HAVE to pay A380 pay! How'd that work out?

If this TA passes, what's the perceived benefit this time?


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