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Cargo Man 07-04-2010 07:02 AM

Originally Posted by The Kid (Post 836777)
One question. What exactly is your problem? Tons of people want to enter the field because it was their dream job. However, very few of them started taking flight lessons at 11 and got serious about it. How many people who get MBAs actually get to be a rich businessman? No career is easy, unless I want to be a secretary or something.

Careful there Kid. Your zeal for flight is quickly turning to disrespect.
Most of us in this business understand the real difficulties of our trade.
Some off us have lost friends, marriages, family, careers, and fortunes, pursuing the 'dream'.
The fling business can have a high price ( not just money, but that too).Many folks are trying to share that with you.
Hopefully none of the negitive will happen, nobody is telling you not to fly if that's your desire.

Planespotta 07-04-2010 07:13 AM

Originally Posted by The Kid (Post 836777)
One question. What exactly is your problem? Tons of people want to enter the field because it was their dream job. However, very few of them started taking flight lessons at 11 and got serious about it. How many people who get MBAs actually get to be a rich businessman? No career is easy, unless I want to be a secretary or something.

He's being REALISTIC!!! This is the kinda stuff you're going to get on this side. Again, I'll warn you one more time, if you wanna avoid getting riled up by this kinda stuff, don't come to this website. Please.

The Kid 07-04-2010 07:32 AM

Originally Posted by Planespotta (Post 836799)
He's being REALISTIC!!! This is the kinda stuff you're going to get on this side. Again, I'll warn you one more time, if you wanna avoid getting riled up by this kinda stuff, don't come to this website. Please.

Sorry, thanks for all the responses. I'll take your advice and not come to this site.

USMCFLYR 07-04-2010 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by erictgill
I am willing to take a large pay loss entering this field from the military but I think its worth it.

Originally Posted by TonyWilliams (Post 836732)
Of course it's worth it !!!! Heck, work for FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, seriously. When you "made it" to that first big airliner seat with your heart going like a buzz saw, it might be worth it.

And then, like is so often seen in this forum, reality sets in.

Caveat emptor.

That is a little dramatic for the statement he made dont you think Tony?
Every military pilot I know took a pay cut when s/he went from 10+ years in the military to that first P121 job.

Additionally - how many kids spend years and years playing sports with hopes of being that SuperBowl QB or Running Back or pitch a no-hitter during the World Series - or better yet; score that last minute goal in a World Cup Final?
Not all of them make it to the big leagues either but parents still truck them to their kiddie football games with stars in your eyes when Johnny breaks a tackle and runs 10 yards before tripping over his own feet.

I don't know the TRUE percentage of people who start this career TRYING to make it to their dream jobs and fail to reach that goal - whatever that goal may be.

To The Kid.
It seems that you need to do some more research. You don't seem to realize that other services FLY airplanes other than the Air Force - though if you parents won't LET you join the AF then I doubt they would be very happy with a decision to join any other branch. Btw - maybe your situation is different, but once you are 18 (or if you go to college first for that engineering degree) more like 22 - I'm not positive but I don't think that you have to do what you parents say anymore and if you want to join ANY branch of the military to fly, then it would be YOUR choice.


ryan1234 07-04-2010 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by The Kid (Post 836774)
I appreciate the responses, and I think I've made a decision. I don't think my parents would ever let me join the air force, so I guess that means the military route is out of the question. I want to be a pilot. However, I would like to say that I know this is a tough career. What career isn't? I don't have an innocent view either, my cousin is a pilot for a company. I know that the hours suck, and that the pay in the beginning sucks too. That being said, I like it. I like it enough to overcome those parts, and I really like the idea of just flying packages. That way I don't have to worry about people. Too many people get crazy on commercial flights. I just have to tell this to my academic advisory when I have to meet with them. I also have to find a good college to get a doctorate in engineering. I guess I have to explain to all my friends why I don't want to be a businessman or a lawyer (college prep school joke). Thanks for helping me out, and not letting me get that crappy aviation degree. :)

It's great that you have an interest in aviation - I know the feeling, I was in the same boat and soloed when I was 16, etc.

However... you're 14 right now - things will change for you.. you may not feel the same way, you may grow into a disqualifying medical condition, etc

The title of your post "Should I be a pilot?" - That decision is up to you.. in the midst of certain negativity there is a also certain amount of reality that comes with this forum - but there is good advice on this forum from the old salts that have been part of this career for many years, use it carefully.

As USMCFLYR said, it won't be up to your parents to decide whether you will find your calling in military aviation, that should absolutely be your decision alone.

You don't have to decide your entire life right now, the important things are not getting into legal trouble, keep good grades, work hard, and learn everything you can - so that when you do decide to follow your dream, you'll be in a good place to do it. If you can fly now, great take it.... when you get to college have a good time with your friends (legal fun).

erictgill 07-05-2010 01:26 AM

Originally Posted by TonyWilliams (Post 836732)
Of course it's worth it !!!! Heck, work for FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, seriously. When you "made it" to that first big airliner seat with your heart going like a buzz saw, it might be worth it.

And then, like is so often seen in this forum, reality sets in.

Caveat emptor.

You dont think I know the risk? I am willing to work for 16,000 dollars my first few years. I wont see my family 4 or 5 days out of the week? Whats different from being in the military - At least I get to see them every week.

Spin 07-05-2010 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by The Kid (Post 836634)
I am currently faced with a decision. I go to a college prep school, and I need to decide what I want to do. I am currently 14, and I have been taking flight lessons since I was 11. I still don't have a huge number of flying hours, but my lessons are coming sooner. I am also interested in engineering, and I am highly skilled with computers. I also enjoy flying, and I currently fly a Cessna Skyhawk. My mother is pushing me towards a degree in aviation. However, I am also interested in engineering. I would like to work as a pilot for FedEx, but I want to know if I can get my license and still get a degree in engineering. What are the benefits of becoming a pilot? How would a degree in aviation help me (financially)? Is becoming a pilot a good career if you love flying? What is the business aspect of piloting like? I know I have many questions and I don't expect a definite answer, but I could really use some help steering me in the right direction. Thank you for your help. :)

I think you should go for it.
I left engineering school have way through to get a degree in Aviation and become a pilot. While working as a CFI I tried to finnish aerospace engineering, but it was too much for me, so I quit engineering and decided
to continue my pilot career. I made it to the majors but I had to stop flying due health problems. I miss flying but I don't miss working. Things are different now. I'm thinking about flying again, and may be flying small twins. Big jets doesn't appeal me any more. I don't want to push buttons,
carry a suit case around all the time and get up early in the morning.
Besides, this profession is not what it used to be.
I would tell you to get all your licenses and ratings and become an engineer. As time goes by you can decide what you really want to do.

mtbthis 07-12-2010 10:08 PM

In all honesty, quit worrying about your damn future and focus on your current situation. Your about to go into high school! Do well there, chase some tail, have some fun, get to know yourself, and worry about what your future your Jr. maybe Sr. year. I know you've heard this from everyone (so if you haven't caught on yet, then you'll probably make the same mistake) but trust me: You're about to go through some of the best times of your life ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN!

aviatorhi 07-13-2010 02:59 AM

I have no problem with people wanting to make a living in aviation... more power to you, for some it works out, for some it doesn't, worked out for me so I encourage others...

But the following is a MAJOR problem with the attitudes going into this industry.

Originally Posted by erictgill (Post 837102)
I am willing to work for 16,000 dollars my first few years.

I'm not willing to flip burgers for 16K/year much less fly a jet for that much.

SaltyDog 07-13-2010 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by The Kid (Post 836803)
Sorry, thanks for all the responses. I'll take your advice and not come to this site.

And he hasn't!

But for other 14 years old aspiring pilots.
Yes, be a pilot. (Weekend flyer, corporate, etc)
Can make career choices later.
Best career bet? Engineering degree over aviation degree.

Military? Many parents oppose service. Fact is, if looking at military flying, parents don't have final word by the time you are eligible to join, join if you want. Don't IF you don't want.

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