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ERJF15 04-08-2009 05:45 PM

Looking for Cathay info
First post here. I'm seriously thinking about going to Cathay (or at least apply). Any info? I've heard good things about the company. Any negitive info? Just looking for other input. I'm an AMR Eagle guy.

marcal 04-08-2009 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by ERJF15 (Post 593146)
First post here. I'm seriously thinking about going to Cathay (or at least apply). Any info? I've heard good things about the company. Any negitive info? Just looking for other input. I'm an AMR Eagle guy.

No hiring anytime soon....try a search.

ERJF15 04-08-2009 10:34 PM

So then I guess they're putting folks into a pool then, because just last week on they were taking resumues for FO and SFO.

whairdhugo 04-09-2009 07:22 AM


i just had a buddy apply and interview there a handful of months ago. from what he told me the only bad thing he had to say was dealing with the "49ers" and i'm not talking about football. a quick google and you can read all about it.

other than that i've heard only good things about them. good luck!

Short Bus Drive 04-09-2009 07:39 AM

I don't think they are hiring for North America. Just the "Cadet" program? Have to live in HK? I am too lazy to look it up though.

ashcroft 04-09-2009 10:02 AM

They're not hiring for North America right now unfortunately. I'm sitting in the pool and when I interviewed last yr they told me to expect a spring or summer class date, now they are telling me maybe 3rd quarter of next yr but I kind of expect that to get pushed back as well. Best of luck to you if you do apply.

ERJF15 04-09-2009 10:22 AM

Thanks dude. Good luck to you too. Got any gouges?:p

cessnaxdriver 04-09-2009 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by ashcroft (Post 593468)
They're not hiring for North America right now unfortunately. I'm sitting in the pool and when I interviewed last yr they told me to expect a spring or summer class date, now they are telling me maybe 3rd quarter of next yr but I kind of expect that to get pushed back as well. Best of luck to you if you do apply.

They are asking for unpaid leave from crews right now. Maybe something more down the line so don't get your hopes up for anything soon unless things turn around.

cessnaxdriver 04-09-2009 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Short Bus Drive (Post 593383)
I don't think they are hiring for North America. Just the "Cadet" program? Have to live in HK? I am too lazy to look it up though.

All cadets and SO's live in honkers. I don't know of any Americans that went thru the cadet program, its for locals (Hong Kong folks). Some Cathay crew have had there kids go thru it.

Al Bundy 04-10-2009 10:48 AM

No hiring until 2010, that's what I heard from the HR dept.

Flyboy8784 04-10-2009 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by ERJF15 (Post 593480)
Thanks dude. Good luck to you too. Got any gouges?:p

I had a friend send me 169 pages PDF worth of gouge before my SO typhoons form...all sorts of crazy stuff....i got 30 pages into it before i realized that I didnt want the job that badly lol

Flyby1206 04-12-2009 08:07 AM

The interview is unlike any other aviation interview. There is o gouge you can memorize a few questions and be done, you need to buy textbooks, and seriously learn the material from high altitude aerodynamics to meteorology in the south pacific, systems details for the 747, A340, 777 and more. Its seriously intense!

ERJF15 04-13-2009 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Flyby1206 (Post 594715)
The interview is unlike any other aviation interview. There is o gouge you can memorize a few questions and be done, you need to buy textbooks, and seriously learn the material from high altitude aerodynamics to meteorology in the south pacific, systems details for the 747, A340, 777 and more. Its seriously intense!

Cool man thanks. I guess I need to start studying. Maybe I'll learn something while I'm at it.

KODI3 04-16-2009 08:39 PM

Interviewed in May 08 in SFO for North America DEFO posn. Mil background for 25+yrs and first foray into the civilian world. Did get the gouge/textbooks/internet search results for the interview. Walked out of there feeling I had just wasted their time and mine. I did not do any formal interview prep other than research and was a little surprised at the lack of feed back during the interview. They were very courteous and professional but their lack of facial expressions left me second guessing myself from the get go. Couple of weeks passed and I rcvd the, "Congrats when can you come to Hong Kong for the second interview?" notice. I was quite surprised and happy until I got a second one shortly there after saying they were postponing second interviews for NA DEFOs.
Being the only interview I completed, I would equate it to a military version of a syllabus upgrade oral board where you sit with senior flight examiners and you are expected to know many facets of aircraft systems/weather/IFR & Int'l rules/SOPs.
Luckily, I was able to extend in the mil while the economy has time to recover. Hope to be fortunate enough to get another call from them in year or so.
Not sure if they will change their interview, but let me know if you still want some gouge.

captjns 04-16-2009 11:01 PM

Saw this in Bloomberg this morning.

Cathay Pacific Cuts Capacity, Offers Unpaid Leave (Update3) -

I'm sorry to say that SI, and QF are following suit. This happend in the '90s for a couple of years, everyone bounced back better than ever.

Hang in there, they will pick up again.

ERJF15 05-23-2009 06:57 PM

Anything new?
What's Cathay's latest and greatest?

alvrb211 05-24-2009 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Flyby1206 (Post 594715)
The interview is unlike any other aviation interview. There is o gouge you can memorize a few questions and be done, you need to buy textbooks, and seriously learn the material from high altitude aerodynamics to meteorology in the south pacific, systems details for the 747, A340, 777 and more. Its seriously intense!

All that stuff is straight out of the JAR ATPL theory exam syllabus.


alvrb211 05-24-2009 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by ERJF15 (Post 595240)
Cool man thanks. I guess I need to start studying. Maybe I'll learn something while I'm at it.

If you get copies of the UK CAA ATPL textbooks like; Principles of flight, Operational procedures, and Meteorology, you will be well prepared!

The only other area you need to study is the company and their current aircraft.


ERJF15 05-24-2009 05:44 PM

On one pilot supply site, those books are approx $98 each!

alvrb211 05-25-2009 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by ERJF15 (Post 616618)
On one pilot supply site, those books are approx $98 each!

Try Ebay UK or ask around on PPRUNE.


europe 05-25-2009 02:03 PM

Very nice facilities. Manuals are hard and difficult to read and they expect you to figure out a lot of what your supposed to do on the line by following your instructor. The pay and time off is excellent. If you are an RJ pilot from America, they will assume you are not very good so prove yourself through actions not words. The biggest negative is that every sim ride and every line check will include comments from the instructor. These comments will stay on your training record for your entire career. If the comments are good, and they like you, your home free. If they are not good.....well lets just say you'll have a hard time making Captain. If you do decide to try, give it 100% Cathay prides itself on being the best. Good luck

ERJF15 05-26-2009 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by europe (Post 616980)
If you are an RJ pilot from America, they will assume you are not very good so prove yourself through actions not words

Prove yourself how?

atpcliff 05-26-2009 11:52 AM


I'm flying here in Africa with a Cathay guy that is on leave.

I think they may hire in 2010, but it could easily be 2011.


4everFO 05-27-2009 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by ERJF15 (Post 617114)
Prove yourself how?

By jumping through the Cathay hoops and surviving!!

Company just asked for unpaid leave from all employees and we were told that if not enough pilots took the "offer" then we would have a significant pilot surplus.


4everFO 05-27-2009 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by cessnaxdriver (Post 593504)
All cadets and SO's live in honkers. I don't know of any Americans that went thru the cadet program, its for locals (Hong Kong folks). Some Cathay crew have had there kids go thru it.

Cadet program is now open to all due to the low uptake from HK locals. By going the cadet route you are then employed as a Locally Employed Pilot (LEP) and not entitled to any expatriate allowances (housing, school fees, etc.).


GreenTailWhale 05-27-2009 09:18 PM

The cadet program is NOT open to all. You must have a HK ID card. In the past you required a "Permanent" HK ID card, but now all that is required is a HK ID card. Best of luck to those interested in this route. Although there are no expat benefits, it is an excellent route. The youngest Captain in the company went this route. He is 30 years old and commands an A330.

the turtle 05-28-2009 01:49 AM

Tells us about the red cup and the green cup...

Mephisto88 06-09-2009 08:33 AM

Apologies for duplicate post

Mephisto88 06-09-2009 08:34 AM

...and don't forget the blue cup either!!

GreenTailWhale said "The cadet program is NOT open to all"
That may have been true last week.
There was a message from the company last Friday, which amongst other things stated that Cathay had officially launched its expanded cadet programme to ab-initio pilots WITHOUT a HK ID card. It stated that applicants should have some link to HKG, or be able to convince the recruitment team that they wished to live and work in Hong Kong. We were told that already in the first week, there were many applications.

Good luck

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