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172capt 03-15-2007 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by Cubdriver (Post 133866)
I am on the fence as far as the real value of FOI. My father was an experimental learning psychologist by profession, and I recogize the things in FOI that stem from his group (people like Abraham Maslow, B.F. Skinner, more recently Daryl Bem). A major portion of FOI comes directly from experimental psychology, a pure science that adheres rigidly to scientific method. Experimental psychologists pride themselves on this and do not make claims unsupported by experimentation lest they be shunned by their peers.

Educational academics on the other hand adheres to less rigid standards and is not as scientific. Things stemming from educational academics are often open to dispute in my view. It's not that I see rules or advice in the FOI without any merit, it's that I see a considerable amount of dogma being proposed as fact. Much of it does not seem supported by methodical research and shows up as the elevation of one ideal over another.

An example:
6025. Which is generally the more effective way for an instructor to properly motivate students?
A-Maintain pleasant personal relationships with students.
B-Provide positive motivations by the promise or achievement of rewards.
C-Reinforce their self-confidence by requiring no tasks beyond their ability to perform.

The right answer is supposedly the second, but I would never answer that over the first. It's a matter of values. I would find enticement by specific rewards patronizing. On the other hand, if I felt I had a nice instructor then I would look forward to working with and for their satisfaction. I would want their affection and approval, which is far more satisfying than a specific reward. Examples like this make me think experimental psychology was not used to generate it, rather some dogmatic motive is in play.

On the other hand, whether it is dogma or fact the contents FOI is fairly easy to memorize to pass the test, and I doubt any of it is actually harmful. I asked my father to look through it, let's see what he says; I anticipate he will think it's mostly silly.

I see what you are saying as why you might think the first one is correct too. For all we know it may be because the answers are never published and gleim, jepp, asa, all they do is give a educated guess. The only problem I see with the first answer is the personal relationship part. Which can be interpreted many ways and we all know how the FAA is there can't be any personal relationships there. Just come to work get your stuff done like a robot. :)

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