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Dreamer 02-05-2008 12:03 PM

Needing Pilot Advice!
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Dear fellow Pilots,[/FONT]

[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']I’m 20 year-old student at the University of Ottawa (Canada), and an aspiring pilot. Ever since the wheels left the ground my first time flying I knew that I had found something special. There have been many different things I’ve wanted to be in life, but no matter what the current trend was, I’ve always wanted to be a pilot. However, there are a few things that are troubling me, and I’m hoping that all of you can give me your professional insight. The few questions I have are: [1] Are long-hull/medium length flights boring, or is there always something that has your attention? [2] What kind of flying, and/or discount benefits do most Major Airlines have for Pilots and their families? But Most importantly, I want to have a family, [3] If you work for a Major Airline how much will you be away from your wife and kids?[/FONT]


[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Dreamer [/FONT]

Patch 02-05-2008 12:15 PM

Dreamer -

Here's my two cents.....

1) Long haul flights are boring. From financial standpoint, they pay better then short haul, so to each his own.

2) I'm sure the different airlines have difference programs, but with SWA, My wife, kids, and parents all fly for free anywhere SWA flies on a space available basis. We also get significant discounts on a space available basis on other carriers as well.

3) I spend more quality time with my family now then I ever did when I flew in the military. The average pilot works about 13-15 days a month at SWA. The best part about this job is you never take it home with you.


UnlimitedAkro 02-05-2008 12:17 PM

1. They can be boring, by the time you get to that point, long boring flights are the least of your concern.

2. You get travel benifits with your airline for yourself, and your family. Usually after a few years you will get buddy passes for friends depending on the airline. You will be able to travel on other airlines that have jumpseating agreements with your airline free of charge.

3. You can have a family. In all honesty there are many spouses that just cant do it (having the other spouse on the road half of the month). Sometimes it works out, sometimes it does not. Picking the right spouse is a big key. Living at your base is another big key. Honesty and trust is another big key.

Toejam 02-05-2008 02:54 PM

1. Long haul flights can be boring, but you have to keep your mind active. One favorite is to draw on crewmembers as they fall asleep.

2. Most airlines have benefits for yourself and family. Since the industry can not hardly make a profit unless 99% of all the seats are filled, it is very difficult to actually get any space available seats, even though you have that wonderful benefit.

3. Can you have a family. That's the best part. You can not only have one family, but you can have another in location far from the first. If you have the ability to handle the stress of multiple women in your life, you will be set. If you are a woman, disregard all I have said...


Dreamer 02-05-2008 03:24 PM

Thanks for the advice Toejam...And I am a Guy....Who has also already found the woman to share my life with. Thanks for your insights!



Toejam 02-05-2008 03:44 PM


No offense intended. I am a guy too, as far as you know. ;)

I'm glad you have found someone to share your life with. I have spent 25 years with my special someone...

Both Patch and UA gave good replies, as will many others. Good Luck...EH

Dreamer 02-05-2008 03:49 PM


No worries, I was never offended...Your reply made me laugh.

Its great to hear that you've been with that special someone for 25 years, sadly few people are capeable of reaching that great achievement...The best to you also.



Dreamer 02-05-2008 04:02 PM

[4] So everyone says that the long-hulls are boring...What do you do during the trip to keep yourself awake? If there anything else you can do then just stareing at guages while the plain flies itself?

Danzig 02-05-2008 09:22 PM

Bring a good book(s). Make a hobby of getting college degrees online. Hand-held Poker video game. Make a hobby of learning new languages. Strike up a controversial conversation with the other pilot. To name a few. ;o)

Todzilla 02-05-2008 11:07 PM

Catch up with friends, or tell the life story to new friends. Or retell it if we forgot each other (it happens). About 30 minutes later I start to read. ADN first, then magazines, and a book. Brief intermission for calls, CPDLC, and catering.

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