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Swat 06-14-2008 11:01 AM

Why can't people spell an airplane name right? and other useless info
In light of the current economic trend and general low morale this useless thread intended for humor has now been opened.....

Only a few spell Brasilia right. Why?
Embraer is another example.

Got any ideas or other examples.

So this bear runs into a rabbit in the forest and asks if the rabbit has problems with Sh&* sticking to his fur. The rabbit states no! So the bear picks the rabbit up wipes his backside with the rabbit and moves along!

Got any funnies...G or PG rated

ExperimentalAB 06-14-2008 11:04 AM

My contribution: It's SkyWest, folks...Capital "W" ;)

Drums4life 06-14-2008 11:04 AM

A man went camping in Northern Arizona, as he had many times before. But he noticed something different this time when he began fishing. There were no bites on his line at all. He headed over to the local market to get some new bait, and the shopkeeper gave him some advice.

"Don't even bother buying any bait," said the shopkeeper

"Why's that?" questioned the man.

"There ain't no fish 'round here no more. We had a freak flood come through and wipe them all out."

"But how would a flood wipe out the fish?" wondered the man.

"There ain't never been no water 'round Arizona, so the fish never learned to swim."

mmaviator 06-14-2008 12:38 PM

i kant spel writ cauz ofo tis ipecac iv bean drankin


JoeyMeatballs 06-14-2008 12:40 PM

My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday...............I asked why, she said "because your a pedophile"............I said "well gee thats an awfully big world for a 10 year old :)"

hotshot 06-14-2008 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by SAABaroowski (Post 404243)
My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday...............I asked why, she said "because your a pedophile"............I said "well gee thats an awfully big world for a 10 year old :)"

LOL, that's from SNL.

Why was the blonde's mirror full of bullet holes? She tried to commit suicide. :D

mmaviator 06-14-2008 12:56 PM

im sofa king we todd did

but i won a spelling bee once

The Juice 06-14-2008 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by Swat (Post 404194)

So this bear runs into a rabbit in the forest and asks if the rabbit has problems with Sh&* sticking to his fur. The rabbit states no! So the bear picks the rabbit up wipes his backside with the rabbit and moves along!

Got any funnies...G or PG rated

I never understood this joke. If the "poop" does not stick to the rabbit's fur, how effective will the bear be in wiping his "butt."

(Poop and Butt used in place of more adult words in order to prevent multiple infractions being given out to myself, family, neighbors, and childhood teachers.)

USMCFLYR 06-14-2008 01:20 PM

I about fell over when I was asked by a young boy if I was in the Marine **Corpse!**


frenchie flyer 06-14-2008 01:28 PM

President Bush was sitting in the Oval Office, when Dick Cheney walked in, clearly distraught.

"Mr. President," he says, "I just got today's casualty report from Iraq. 24 of our soldiers were murdered by insurgients outside Baghdad, 2 Polish reporters are being held hostage by Al-Qaeda, and 3 Brazilian tourists were killed by a road-side bomb."

To which the president responds, "God, that's awful. I'm really upset about this. I need to prepare a speech about this. The people are going to want some answers."

Cheney is confused. "Sir, with all due respect, we've already lost over 4,000 soldiers during our war effort. Why is today so much worse than any other?"

He answers, "Well, yeah, 4,000 is a lot. But 3 BRAZILIAN! I don't even know how many that is!"

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