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Boomer 12-29-2008 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by ToiletDuck (Post 527140)
Keep hearing "Well if my boyfriend were here we wouldn't be waiting so long to deice" or "if my boyfriend were here he'd do this".

How far would you get if you came back with "what would your boyfriend do... with this here big dog?" :eek:

normajean21 12-29-2008 06:33 PM

i have a question about crews that will be a pain to work with. can i simply ignore them? and i mean literally? as long as i do my job?

Pilotpip 12-29-2008 06:37 PM

Did you read my first paragraph? In short, yep. It's gonna be a crappy trip but there's nothing that says you have to make small talk or go to dinner with them.

SilverandSore 12-29-2008 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by n287hg (Post 526989)
I am assuming you don't always get to pick the crew you fly with. Have you ever been paired with a Captain, First Officer, Flight Attendent or entire cabin crew that was just an absolute pain to work with?

Chris Farley: [ uncomfortable ] You.. you.. you remember when you were with The Beatles?

Paul McCartney: Yeah, sure.

Pontius Pilot 12-29-2008 08:04 PM

I had a CA that kept yelling "what did I tell you about keeping me out of the Chief Pilot's office?" whenever I got 1/10th of a needle deflection off course.

Funny thing is, he couldn't have done any better, he just wanted to be a controlling jerk.

(in case you're wondering the ATR autopilot doesn't hold VOR very well, we're usually in heading mode)

Another CA couldn't keep his hands off of anything...touching every button, dial, lever, ratchet, gizmo and thingamajig in the whole dang plane...and it was my leg. I really didn't have a chance to do any flying. I just amused myself by watching his magical fingers dance all over the cockpit.

You learn quickly to adapt to these people. Everybody has their own little idiosyncrasies. Being an FO is being a Chameleon - blend into the environment.

normajean21 12-29-2008 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Pilotpip (Post 527284)
Did you read my first paragraph? In short, yep. It's gonna be a crappy trip but there's nothing that says you have to make small talk or go to dinner with them.

what about probation period

JJOSH122 12-29-2008 09:10 PM

I worked with people who were hard to get along with when I was in high school and worked at Pizza Hut. I would be more concerned with flying with someone who wasn't safe than I would be worried about getting along with everyone.

Pilotpip 12-30-2008 02:56 AM

Originally Posted by normajean21 (Post 527363)
what about probation period

What does probation have to do with it? You fly the SOP you're doing your job. You don't have to be friends with the people you're working with, just professional.

cospilot 12-30-2008 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by n287hg (Post 526989)
I am assuming you don't always get to pick the crew you fly with. Have you ever been paired with a Captain, First Officer, Flight Attendent or entire cabin crew that was just an absolute pain to work with?

What is interesting is how YOU let it affect you. --- I've noticed that on some occasions that I don't get along with someone on the crew and subconciously it affects my flying. I've learned to adjust my thinking and not take it personally and refocus myself to the task. I've also learned to make the most of the situation. Fortunately we have preferential bidding which results if almost never flying with the same crew twice unless you fly out of a small base. So, if nothing else, I only have to get through three, maybe four days, of flying with that crew.
Hang in there!

captain152 12-30-2008 07:28 AM

Originally Posted by normajean21 (Post 527363)
what about probation period

Probation has nothing to do with ignoring a crew member as long as you're following SOPs and getting your job done correctly.

If you're flying with a Craptain, just mute your mic so when he/she does engage you in conversation all you have to do is just give them one word answers until they get the point and back off. But that's just if they're REALLY bad and you can't stand them. Those type of captains are VERY few and far between. You're going to come across captains where you don't like a certain aspect about them every so often. When that happens, just be professional about it and politely change the subject or just ignore crude comments he/she might make.

Now, if he/she starts offending the FA and he/she complains to you about it and asks if you can do something. First of all, ALWAYS ask them to stand up for themselves first. If they don't say something first, you don't really have a leg to stand on. If they do speak up and the guy/gal is still being an ass/b1tch, then you can step in and say something. If that still doesn't do the trick, ask around and see if anyone else has had a problem with the guy/gal, and then take it from there ... eventually reporting him/her if necessary (usually a last resort).

Hope this helps!

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