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CaptainCarl 09-25-2009 06:35 AM

Originally Posted by StallFail (Post 683913)
Hey Guys...

I'm sitting here on my 22nd birthday, looking for something to do. I know this is a thread just waiting to be shut down by the mod's, but I really don't care.

This is a drunk vent thread.

I completely circumvented college live to come to a (supposedly) good regional.

The story is, go to college. Get Laid. Have fun. Then, after that is through, go to an airline.

Any sort of social life is better than any job you can ever achive.

This is just a lonely birthday rant.

Any sort of life is beter than beign an "airline pilot."

It's not all that bad man. Use your JS privileges, go to South America, buy a gallon of beer (for $3.-), find yourself a nice latin girl and party until you have to go back to work. Repeat until morale improves.

AZFlyer 09-25-2009 08:12 AM

What? Seriously? Dude, I'm 26 years old and still in college, sitting on a pile of educational debt and a private ticket and instrument rating to show for it. And I'm not dripping tears into my beer.

Sober up and realize that you are not even remotely close to being behind the curve on life. (Not saying that I'm behind on things either, mind you.)

Kilgore Trout 09-25-2009 09:14 AM

Mustang87 09-25-2009 10:32 AM

I just graduated college (23 y/o) and I've only started working on my PPL, but I can't wait to do what you are doing for a living. I realize how sucky the lifestyle is, but surely you have *some* free time to meet and hangout with new people!

alarkyokie 09-25-2009 11:43 AM

"My salad days,
When I was green in judgment, cold in blood..."
For those that have already traveled this road, I ask a question:
Where were you at twenty two?
Was the big picture in view?

Kilgore Trout 09-25-2009 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by alarkyokie (Post 684265)
"My salad days,
When I was green in judgment, cold in blood..."
For those that have already traveled this road, I ask a question:
Where were you at twenty two?
Was the big picture in view?

"Big picture." Shoot. At twenty two, I'd been out of the Navy for a year, and was an unhappy biology major at UAF. Watching C-46's and C-185's going in and out of FAI.
Did'nt know my posterior from my elbow.
Still don't I reckon.

jban642 09-25-2009 02:35 PM

I have one question what did you young guys think that airline flying was. Everyone has to start at the bottom. You will work your way to the top eventually and have a better schedule and make more money. But as with any job that you start you always get paid the least and more then likely have the worst schedule. Just keep trucking along and you'll be fine. This world was not put here to give you every thing you have to go out and earn it. Just think it couled be worse. Rant over back to work.

Lab Rat 09-25-2009 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by jban642 (Post 684332)
I have one question what did you young guys think that airline flying was. Everyone has to start at the bottom. You will work your way to the top eventually and have a better schedule and make more money. But as with any job that you start you always get paid the least and more then likely have the worst schedule. Just keep trucking along and you'll be fine. This world was not put here to give you every thing you have to go out and earn it. Just think it couled be worse. Rant over back to work.

That was good rant. ;)

22 years old is nothing. If this guy is drunk on his birthday at 22 and depressed because he is alone, then my guess is he will probably be in counseling and rehab by the time he is 32.

Seriously, jban hits the nail on the head by mentioning the dreaded "W" word - work. Seems everyone wants something for nothing.

Not to bring another proverbial "back in the day story", but 20 years ago it was almost unheard of to hear of anyone in their early 20's flying anything outside of flight instructing. By your mid-20's you could expect to be flying cancelled checks for the next few years and by your late 20's you might have enough time (approx. 2000TT/1000ME) for that first officer position on a Brasilia. By 30 you might be captain and by your mid-30's finally hired as an FE by one of the majors. A year after that you would be off of probation and finally earning enough to have a social life.

jedinein 09-25-2009 03:20 PM

And today, you could be on your fourth airline having been furloughed three times, the last the place fired everyone then went bankrupt, by your mid-twenties.

Hope it was a great birthday, despite the post otherwise.

Mustang87 09-25-2009 04:45 PM

Grass is always greener on the other side. And I think Kilgore's picture speaks more than words ever could.

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