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jungle 10-30-2014 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by Sounds (Post 1755848)
You act like you have almost no comprehension of how politics works. Follow this line of thinking if you will:

Russia has strong ties with Ukraine (Think: Puerto Rico / US)
EU tries to get Ukraine to weaken ties and join up with them (after EU specifically agreed to stay away)
Russia steps in and says no I don't think so.

If any country tried to move into the NE hemisphere you bet there would be severe retaliation from US. Do you get your news from FOX or MSNBC?

I think you must be trolling me.

You may have missed the memo, Empires are no longer popular, humans are trending to greater self-determination.

Much of the gross machinery of the State is going into the trash where it belongs once people understand it doesn't ever serve their best interests.

FDXLAG 10-30-2014 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by Sounds (Post 1755848)
...Russia has strong ties with Ukraine (Think: Puerto Rico / US)...

And if Puerto Rico were overwhelmingly in favor of independence would we move the 7th fleet in? Russia wants to reestablish its empire. The people of the Ukraine have spoken and they do not want to be surfs.

Originally Posted by Sounds (Post 1755848)
I think you must be trolling me.

How much does trolling for Moscow pay anyways? So tell me who shot down the Malaysian 777. Your answer is all we need to know about you. There are two governments that could stop the bloodshed today, the first is the Government of the Ukraine, they would only have to surrender. The second is Russia, they would only have to stop their aggression. I know that doesn't fit your moral equivalence world view, but it is the truth.

ShyGuy 10-30-2014 01:07 PM

Hard to feel sympathy for the same people who shot down MH17. "Pro Russian separatists" If they hate Ukraine so much, go cross the border and live in Russia.

Sounds 10-30-2014 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by FDXLAG (Post 1755866)
Russia wants to reestablish its empire.

And what other countries have now isn't? The US doesn't have an 'empire'? Really man, If you think the western world is blameless in the world's conflicts, I can only suggest you broaden your intake of information. I make attempts to show the world in a neutral perspective. Yeah, that mostly translate to pointing out what people think are negative aspects of our actions. It's only because the narrative we have been feed so long is that we're "the good guys" and we're here to save the world. Maybe only Russia can end it right? But they sure as hell didn't start it. Do all parties not share blame?

Hard to feel sympathy for the same people who shot down MH17.
You must have some hardcore top secret info since there has been no hard evidence on who shot that down. Google what a 'false flag' is and understand that the jury is still out.

jungle 10-30-2014 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by Sounds (Post 1755930)
And what other countries have now isn't? The US doesn't have an 'empire'? Really man, If you think the western world is blameless in the world's conflicts, I can only suggest you broaden your intake of information. I make attempts to show the world in a neutral perspective. Yeah, that mostly translate to pointing out what people think are negative aspects of our actions. It's only because the narrative we have been feed so long is that we're "the good guys" and we're here to save the world. Maybe only Russia can end it right? But they sure as hell didn't start it. Do all parties not share blame? You must have some hardcore top secret info since there has been no hard evidence on who shot that down. Google what a 'false flag' is and understand that the jury is still out.

That is better, all parties do share blame, Empires are being propped up much to the detriment of human life. Putin is old school KGB, don't forget what that means.

If you understand anything at all, just understand that some want to control and harvest the efforts of others. They are more than willing to kill or have their own people killed to do so.

This goes for the EU and US also, coming to a place near you sooner than you think.

Politics is a fools game, the real game is control of the serfs and economics, Putin has a hard and practical edge here, ideology will always be trumped by cash.

The complete economic crash and decline of the Soviet Union made a big impression on me, I am sure Putin was equally impressed to learn that central planning can't generate an economy.

That Empire failed despite total control by the most ruthless means possible, it is impossible to imagine a more murderous or punitive method of rule. They made the Nazis look like a bunch of sissies.

Airhoss 10-30-2014 05:51 PM

I'm not sure California could handle the relaxation if regulation and increase in freedom a Russian take over would produce.

jungle 10-30-2014 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by Airhoss (Post 1756002)
I'm not sure California could handle the relaxation if regulation and increase in freedom a Russian take over would produce.

Ok Hoss, that right there is funny, only because it is true.:D

Rama 10-30-2014 06:51 PM

The Russians have always been people friendly. A few million dead here and there is just the price their citizens have paid for a wonderful government.
The starvation of the Ukraine nearly a century ago is surely just Western propaganda.
The US may not be blameless in world events, but the Russians/USSR history of horrific evil is on a scale not approached by anyone.

FDXLAG 10-30-2014 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by Sounds (Post 1755930)
And what other countries have now isn't? The US doesn't have an 'empire'? Really man, If you think the western world is blameless in the world's conflicts, I can only suggest you broaden your intake of information. I make attempts to show the world in a neutral perspective. Yeah, that mostly translate to pointing out what people think are negative aspects of our actions. It's only because the narrative we have been feed so long is that we're "the good guys" and we're here to save the world. Maybe only Russia can end it right? But they sure as hell didn't start it. Do all parties not share blame? You must have some hardcore top secret info since there has been no hard evidence on who shot that down. Google what a 'false flag' is and understand that the jury is still out.

So we go from the U.S. does not have an Empire (no it does not) to the Western World is blameless (no it is not). That is a big leap. Blameless, no but the world is a better place because of Western Civilization over the last 200 years. I know you make attempts to show the world in a neutral perspective. That is your problem, you don't think there is a right and wrong. You don't see a difference between freedom and totalitarianism. What I don't get is we both agree you are making a moral equivalence argument, but you object when I point it out. Yes if you want to point out that we are just as bad as the other guys then you are making a moral equivalence argument, wear that Tshirt proudly (red no doubt).

Yep I knew your neutrality on who shot down MH17 would reveal your true colors.

jungle 10-30-2014 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Rama (Post 1756044)
The Russians have always been people friendly. A few million dead here and there is just the price their citizens have paid for a wonderful government.
The starvation of the Ukraine nearly a century ago is surely just Western propaganda.
The US may not be blameless in world events, but the Russians/USSR history of horrific evil is on a scale not approached by anyone.

It is always amazing to me that the real history of the USSR is glossed over.

The brutality of the regime was unbelievable, until you read it from the victims it is almost impossible to believe. How could such a thing exist?

The Gulag Archipelago

Author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Original title Архипелаг ГУЛАГ
Translator ? (French)
Thomas P. Whitney (English)
Country France
Language French, originally Russian
Publisher Éditions du Seuil
Publication date
Published in English
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
ISBN ISBN 0-06-013914-5
OCLC 802879
Dewey Decimal
LC Class HV9713 .S6413 1974
The Gulag Archipelago (Russian: Архипелаг ГУЛАГ, Arkhipelag GULAG) is a book by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn about the Soviet forced labour camp system. The three-volume book is a narrative relying on eyewitness testimony and primary research material, as well as the author's own experiences as a prisoner in a gulag labor camp. Written between 1958 and 1968, it was published in the West in 1973, thereafter circulating in samizdat (underground publication) form in the Soviet Union until its appearance in the Russian literary journal, Novy Mir in 1989, in which a third of the work was published over three issues.[1]

GULag or Gulág is an acronym for the Russian term Glavnoye Upravleniye ispravitelno-trudovyh Lagerey (Главное Управление Исправительно-трудовых Лагерей), or "Chief Administration of Corrective Labour Camps", the bureaucratic name of the governing board of the Soviet labour camp system, and by metonymy, the camp system itself. The original Russian title of the book is Arkhipelag GuLag, the rhyme supporting the underlying metaphor deployed throughout the work. The word archipelago compares the system of labor camps spread across the Soviet Union with a vast "chain of islands", known only to those who were fated to visit them.

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the formation of the Russian Federation, The Gulag Archipelago has been officially published, and it has been included in the high school program in Russia as mandatory reading since 2009.[2]

Structure and factual basis
Historical impact of the text
TV documentary
See also
External links
Structure and factual basisEdit

Structurally, the text is made up of seven sections divided (in most printed editions) into three volumes: parts 1–2, parts 3–4, and parts 5–7. At one level, the Gulag Archipelago traces the history of the system of forced labor camps that existed in the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1956, starting with V.I. Lenin's original decrees shortly after the October Revolution establishing the legal and practical framework for a series of camps where political prisoners and ordinary criminals would be sentenced to forced labor.Note 1 It describes and discusses the waves of purges, assembling the show trials in context of the development of the greater Gulag system with particular attention to the legal and bureaucratic development.

The legal and historical narrative ends in 1956, the time of Nikita Khrushchev's Secret Speech at the 20th Party Congress of 1956 denouncing Stalin's personality cult, his autocratic power, and the surveillance that pervaded the Stalin era. Though the speech was not published in the USSR for a long time, it was a break with the most atrocious practices of the Gulag system; Solzhenitsyn was aware, however, that the outlines of the system had survived and could be revived and expanded by future leaders.

Despite the efforts by Solzhenitsyn and others to confront the legacy of the Gulag, the realities of the camps remained taboo into the 1980s. While Khrushchev, the Communist Party, and the Soviet Union's supporters in the West viewed the Gulag as a deviation of Stalin, Solzhenitsyn and many among the opposition tended to view it as a systemic fault of Soviet political culture — an inevitable outcome of the Bolshevik political project.

Parallel to this historical and legal narrative, Solzhenitsyn follows the typical course of a zek (a slang term for inmate), derived from the widely used abbreviation "z/k" for "zakliuchennyi" (prisoner) through the Gulag, starting with arrest, show trial and initial internment; transport to the "archipelago"; treatment of prisoners and general living conditions; slave labor gangs and the technical prison camp system; camp rebellions and strikes (see Kengir uprising); the practice of internal exile following completion of the original prison sentence; and ultimate (but not guaranteed) release of the prisoner. Along the way, Solzhenitsyn's examination details the trivial and commonplace events of an average prisoner's life, as well as specific and noteworthy events during the history of the Gulag system, including revolts and uprisings.

Solzhenitsyn also waxes philosophical:

"Macbeth's self-justifications were feeble – and his conscience devoured him. Yes, even Iago was a little lamb, too. The imagination and spiritual strength of Shakespeare's evildoers stopped short at a dozen corpses. Because they had no ideology. Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes.... That was how the agents of the Inquisition fortified their wills: by invoking Christianity; the conquerors of foreign lands, by extolling the grandeur of their Motherland; the colonizers, by civilization; the Nazis, by race; and the Jacobins (early and late), by equality, brotherhood, and the happiness of future generations.... Without evildoers there would have been no Archipelago."

—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Chapter 4, p. 173
Aside from using his experiences as an inmate at a scientific prison (a sharashka), the basis of the novel The First Circle (1968), Solzhenitsyn draws from the testimony of 227 fellow prisoners, the first-hand accounts which base the work. One chapter of the third volume of the book is written by a prisoner named Georg Tenno, whose exploits enraptured Solzhenitsyn to the extent that he offered to name Tenno as co-author of the book; Tenno declined.

The sheer volume of firsthand testimony and primary documentation that Solzhenitsyn managed to assemble in The Gulag Archipelago made all subsequent Soviet and KGB attempts to discredit the work useless. Much of the impact of the treatise stems from the closely detailed stories of interrogation routines, prison indignities and (especially in section 3) camp massacres and inhuman practices.

There had been works about the Soviet prison/camp system before, and its existence had been known to the Western public since the 1930s. However, never before had the general reading public been brought face to face with the horrors of the Gulag in this way. The controversy surrounding this text in particular was largely due to the way Solzhenitsyn definitively and painstakingly laid the theoretical, legal and practical origins of the Gulag system at Lenin's feet (though prisoners and p.o.w's have been sent to forced labor and exile at Siberia since the Tsaristic times, usually known as "Katorga") not Stalin's. According to Solzhenitsyn's testimony, Stalin merely amplified a concentration camp system that was already in place. This is significant, as many Western intellectuals viewed the Soviet concentration camp system as a "Stalinist aberration".[3]

Historical impact of the textEdit

Solzhenitsyn argued that the Soviet government could not govern without the threat of imprisonment, and that the Soviet economy depended on the productivity of the forced labor camps, especially insofar as the development and construction of public works and infrastructure were concerned.

This put into doubt the entire moral standing of the Soviet system. In Western Europe the book eventually contributed strongly to a need for rethinking of the historical role of Lenin. With The Gulag Archipelago, Lenin's political and historical legacy became problematic, and those factions of Western communist parties who still based their economic and political ideology on Lenin were left with a heavy burden of proof against them. George F. Kennan, the influential U.S. diplomat, called The Gulag Archipelago, "the most powerful single indictment of a political regime ever to be levied in modern times".[4]

In an interview with German weekly Die Zeit British historian Orlando Figes asserted that many gulag inmates he interviewed for his research identified so strongly with the book's contents that they became unable to distinguish between their own experiences and what they read: "The Gulag Archipelago spoke for a whole nation and was the voice of all those who suffered".[5]


After the KGB had confiscated Solzhenitsyn's materials in Moscow, during 1965–1967, the preparatory drafts of The Gulag Archipelago were turned into finished typescript, sometimes in hiding at his friends' homes in the Moscow region and elsewhere. While held at the KGB's Lubyanka Prison in 1945, Solzhenitsyn had befriended Arnold Susi, a lawyer and former Estonian Minister of Education, who had been taken captive after Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union in 1940. Solzhenitsyn entrusted Susi with the original, typed and proofread manuscript of the finished work, after copies had been made of it both on paper and on microfilm [6] and this "master copy" was subsequently kept hidden from the KGB in Estonia by Arnold Susi's daughter, Heli Susi, until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.[7][8]

The KGB seized one of only three extant copies of the text still on Soviet soil. This was achieved after interrogating Elizaveta Voronyanskaya, one of Solzhenitsyn's trusted typists[9] who knew where the typed copy was hidden; within days of her release by the KGB, she hanged herself on 3 August 1973.[10]

The first edition of the work was published (in Russian) by the French publishing house Éditions du Seuil a few days after Christmas 1973;[11] they had received a go-ahead from Solzhenitsyn but had decided to release the work about ten days earlier than he had expected. News of the nature of the work immediately caused a stir, and translations into many other languages followed within the next few months, sometimes produced in a race against time though not at the expense of quality of the translated text. It was rendered into English by American Thomas Whitney; the English and French translations of Volume I appeared in the spring and summer of 1974.

Solzhenitsyn had wanted the manuscript to be published in Russia first, but knew this was impossible under conditions then extant. The international impact of the work was profound. Not only did it provoke energetic debate in the West; a mere six weeks after the work had left Parisian presses Solzhenitsyn himself was forced into exile.

Because possession of the manuscript incurred the risk of a long prison sentence for 'anti-Soviet activities', Solzhenitsyn never worked on the manuscript in complete form. Since he was under constant KGB surveillance, Solzhenitsyn worked on only parts of the manuscript at any one time, so as not to put the full book into jeopardy if he happened to be arrested. For this reason, he secreted the various parts of the work throughout Moscow and the surrounding suburbs, in the care of trusted friends, and sometimes purportedly visiting them on social calls, but actually working on the manuscript in their homes. During much of this time, Solzhenitsyn lived at the dacha of the world-famous cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, and due to the reputation and standing of the musician, even with Soviet authorities, he was reasonably safe from KGB searches there.

Solzhenitsyn did not think this series would be his defining work, as he considered it journalism and history rather than high literature. However, with the possible exception of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, it is his best-known and most popular work, at least in the West.

Finished in 1968, The Gulag Archipelago was microfilmed and smuggled out to Solzhenitsyn's main legal representative, Dr Fritz Heeb of Zürich, to await publication (a later paper copy, also smuggled out, was signed by Heinrich Böll at the foot of each page to prove against possible accusations of a falsified work).

Solzhenitsyn was aware that there was a wealth of material and perspectives that deserved to be continued in the future[clarification needed], but he considered the book finished for his part. The royalties and sales income for the novel were transferred to the Solzhenitsyn Foundation for aid to former camp prisoners, and this fund, which had to work in secret in its native country, managed to transfer substantial amounts of money to those ends in the 1970s and 1980s.

TV documentaryEdit

On 12 December 2009, the Russian channel Rossiya K showed the French television documentary L'Histoire Secrète de l'Archipel du Goulag[12] made by Jean Crépu and Nicolas Miletitch[13] and translated into Russian under the title Taynaya Istoriya “Arkhipelaga GULAG” (Secret History: The Gulag Archipelago). The documentary covers events related to creation and publication of The Gulag Archipelago.[12]

Secret History: The Gulag Archipelago (online in Russian)
Secret History: The Gulag Archipelago (online in English)[not in citation given][

Henry Carlisle and Olga Carlisle
Thomas P. Whitney
See alsoEdit

Art and culture in the Gulag labor camps
The Black Book of Communism
Julius Margolin
Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century
Black site

1.^ A similar network of forced labour camps, known as katorga, existed in the Russian Empire since the early 18th century. It was abolished by the Russian Provisional Government in 1917.[14]

Joseph Pearce (2011). Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile. Ignatius Press. pp. 81–. ISBN 978-1-58617-496-5.
The Gulag Archipelago is included in the obligatory school program, Izvestia, September 2009[not specific enough to verify]
Thomas, Donald Michael (1998). Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: A Century in his Life. London: Abacus. p. 439.
"Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Speaking truth to power", The Economist, 7 August 2008
Held des Westens, Die Zeit, 7 August 2008
Solzhenitsyn, The Oak and the Calf and Invisible Aalies
Rosenfeld, Alla; Norton T. Dodge (2001). Art of the Baltics: The Struggle for Freedom of Artistic Expression Under the Soviets, 1945–1991. Rutgers University Press. pp. 55, pp.134. ISBN 978-0-8135-3042-0.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr (1997). Invisible Allies. Basic Books. pp. 46–64 The Estonians. ISBN 978-1-887178-42-6.
Solzhenitsyn, Literary Giant Who Defied Soviets Dies at 89
Thomas, 1998, p. 398.
Scammell, Solzhenitsyn, a Biography, 1985
""Тайная история "Архипелага ГУЛАГ"". Премьера фильма". The press service the channel Rossiya K. 12 December 2009. Retrieved 23 August 2011.
Marina, Nicolaev (10 October 2009). "Ultimul interviu Aleksandr Soljeniţîn: "L\'histoire secrète de L\'ARCHIPEL DU GULAG"". Poezie. Retrieved 23 August 2011.
Michael Jakobson. Origins Of The Gulag: The Soviet Prison Camp System, 1917–1934. p. 16.
External linksEdit

Wikiquote has quotations related to: The Gulag Archipelago
The Gulag Archipelago in original Russian, all volumes for reading in browser, or plaintext: parts 1 and 2, parts 3 and 4, and parts 5, 6, and 7.
The Gulag Archipelago in English, Volume 1, Volume 2 & Volume 3.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "Saving the Nation Is the Utmost Priority for the State" at the Wayback Machine (archived May 27, 2006) Moscow News (2006-05-02)
Read in another language

Read the Gulag Archipelego to understand reality for those people

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