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AeroCrewSolut 10-19-2013 01:22 PM

We do offer interview prep specific for each airline. For Delta, we have great gouge regarding the cog test.

Eldee5 10-22-2013 03:10 AM

Originally Posted by F2TH (Post 1503812)
Congratulations to you! If you don't mind, what are your tiumes, experience, education?
I am new to the forums, not sure if you can pm me or not.

Thanks F2TH, I am really excited about this whole thing.
I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering.
8000 hours total, 4500 Jet time.
1200 hours on the 777.
Of course we can PM;-)

SupaflyGuy 11-05-2013 01:28 PM

Delta hiring!
Anyone with an interview date of next wed and thurs pm me if interested in putting together a last minute study session

Stinsat7 12-17-2013 11:11 AM

I went with Aerocrew solutions and got hired. I would totally recommend Aerocrew.

OneFifty 12-17-2013 05:23 PM

I would recommend Emerald Coast for interview prep as well. I did not have time to travel to a seminar, so I did the audio prep and a mock phone interview. Best money I spent getting ready...

walt heisenberg 12-17-2013 06:50 PM

I recommend emerald coast interview. they have a group sessions. Its kinda interesting to see other guys in the hot chair. it was very helpful from many aspects. I shall get the interview yet...

the old 1313 01-11-2014 08:58 PM

I used Emerald Coast. Couldn't make an in person seminar so I did it online. I felt it well worth the money and it really helped me polish my introduction. They also provided excellent study guides for Delta's exams. For the cog test, go to and do those exercises. Some of those are identical to what you will see there.

TimmyR 01-12-2014 07:25 AM

+1 ECIC...once a customer ALWAYS a customer. If you ever need follow-on support, they will help you out.

gr8vu 01-12-2014 05:25 PM

I actually got to give the last 2/3rds (about 3-4 minutes) of my intro that ECIC helped me put together...HR said tell me about your career starting after HS. The rest of the 1+20 minute interview was me answering a littany of questions none of which caught me off guard. Had stories ready for all of them. My favorite was would you ever take the jet as an FO.

T6Alfalfa 01-14-2014 03:17 PM

FWIW…I used Emerald Coast and was very pleased with their program. I like the fact that you pay one time and you are a client for life. I've also heard from others that Aero Crew is a good prep company as well, but I don't personally know much more than that. Either way you decide, I think prep is a must! Considering the long term benefits (20-30 years of pay at a major), the cost is a drop in a bucket…I looked at it as an investment.

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