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NIPPI 03-12-2020 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by Clearbelow12000 (Post 2995905)
I’ve been committed to K4 in my mind since September before they pulled the October 9th interview class date, I feel like the rug has been yanked out from under me, I kinda feel lost lol I already quit GoJet and everything so u could interview whenever they needed me.. Anyway, thanks for the support guys, and congrats to those who did get hired (although I only know of 2 who got the offer) you guys definitely deserve it! Was a great interview class, super nice group! I’ll find my way out but I’m bumming pretty hard today.

Sorry to hear you did not get it, yet. I think many here can relate to a time when it felt like rolling a gigantic boulder up a hill only for it to roll down when near the top. In any case I want to commend you for your determined and positive attitude. Hopefully you will be able to join the family soon.

newb2 03-12-2020 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by ImmaAHole (Post 2995773)
Hearing rumors they already knew who they were going to hire before anyone showed up. I know a person that bought round trip tickets to interview, only to have the HR portion be a couple of questions and go home. If true, this is despicable behavior. Just tell the damn truth, cancel the interview a second time. Truth is always the best route.

I don’t think you have anything to base this statement on, and there is no reason for our HR department to do this. Rumors are just that, and I wouldn’t take any stock in them.

MCRN 03-12-2020 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by newb2 (Post 2995942)
I don’t think you have anything to base this statement on, and there is no reason for our HR department to do this. Rumors are just that, and I wouldn’t take any stock in them.

HR or even the CP's Office may have had nothing to do with it. K4 has done some one off weird things over the years that no one even on the inside understands. That really makes them no different from any other airline at the end of the day. They've all pulled rare form moves like this over the years with interviews and hiring that defy ration, reason or logic on any level. My friend who's been there forever has told me some crazy stories about old man Connie's famous decrees. The tradition lives on I guess.

Frankly, the more rationale explanation is I think this is Covid-19 related. While K4 may not be totally suspending hiring, the no classes until May or beyond says a lot. They simply may be trying to stack a list of poolies they consider to be the best of the best for when they resume classes. We have to look at this like it's in the recession, which basically it is now. Anyone that was hiring was able to pick from the absolute cream of the crop and why shouldn't they? Wouldn't you if you were running a company? They very well may have originally had every intention of doing normal interviews and hiring most if not that entire interview group, but this Covid-19 craziness hit and changed everything. Remember, it's not just about demand for crews, it's also about availability of instructors and training facilities. A great many sim instructors at all the contract training sim companies FSI, CAE and Boeing are in the high risk age group. Kalitta may be able to run indoc then have nowhere to send anyone for sim until this stupidity over the Beer Virus is over.

That's all just my opinion based on rumor and 2nd hand knowledge. No facts there so please don't pound me too hard. My sciatica will act up! :D

ImmaAHole 03-12-2020 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by newb2 (Post 2995942)
I don’t think you have anything to base this statement on, and there is no reason for our HR department to do this. Rumors are just that, and I wouldn’t take any stock in them.

I qualified my post with a "If true", not as "fact" for this very reason. Not my intention to speak as if this is fact. The post above suggesting the Covid virus throwing a wrench into the works is perfectly plausible.

goinaround 03-12-2020 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by ImmaAHole (Post 2995935)
So the only two hired were from K2? Perfectly understandable to hire the K2 guys, but the seven others? Why give them false hope if they never had a chance?

You are stating that they never had a chance as if it is a fact. You have no idea. And who is to say they only hired two?

ImmaAHole 03-12-2020 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by goinaround (Post 2996003)
You are stating that they never had a chance as if it is a fact. You have no idea. And who is to say they only hired two?

Well, time will tell. I am hopeful more were hired. I would think more would need to be hired for them to entertain a class.

Palmtree Pilot 03-12-2020 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by ImmaAHole (Post 2995773)
Hearing rumors they already knew who they were going to hire before anyone showed up. I know a person that bought round trip tickets to interview, only to have the HR portion be a couple of questions and go home. If true, this is despicable behavior. Just tell the damn truth, cancel the interview a second time. Truth is always the best route.

Originally Posted by ImmaAHole (Post 2995935)
So the only two hired were from K2? Perfectly understandable to hire the K2 guys, but the seven others? Why give them false hope if they never had a chance?

RUUUUUUUUUUUMORS are just that... rumors. About time you closed that pie hole of yours and stop spreading false information. Nothing you have said is correct.

ImmaAHole 03-12-2020 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by Palmtree Pilot (Post 2996011)
RUUUUUUUUUUUMORS are just that... rumors. About time you closed that pie hole of yours and stop spreading false information. Nothing you have said is correct.

You know, that is great advice, I'm shutting up my pie hole. Should never post without a level head and emotions under control.

Palmtree Pilot 03-12-2020 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by ImmaAHole (Post 2996019)
Ok, so you are on the hiring board I take it? What qualifies you to make this statement?

Nope, not on the hiring board; I have nothing to do with hiring. I am close enough to those that are to know everything you’re speculating is not correct. If they could have, they would have hired all of them, but for various reasons that was not the case. The people they call and ask to spend money to come interview are all people that they want to hire. If you knew any of the people that decide who to call and invite, then you’d know that none of them would invite interviewees in with no intention to hire them. They are people that work in FLT OPS not HR, and are some of the nicest people you’ll meet at K4.

ImmaAHole 03-12-2020 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by Palmtree Pilot (Post 2996031)
Nope, not on the hiring board. I am close enough to those that are to know everything you’re speculating is not correct. If they could have, they would have hired all of them, but for various reasons that was not the case. The people they call and ask to spend money to come interview are all people that they want to hire. If you knew any of the people that decide who to call and invite, then you’d know that none of them would invite interviewees in with no intention to hire them. They are people that work in FLT OPS not HR, and are some of the nicest people you’ll meet at K4.

I believe you, I'm going to shut my pie hole now and let my emotions calm down.

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