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Cubdriver 01-23-2009 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by SkyHigh (Post 543777)
... soylent green.

And you saw that movie back in the day? In about 1975 it went around to the cheaper drive ins and movie theatres across America, and of course this is the only way one saw a movie back in those days. There were no vcrs, dvds, tv movies, or HBO. I was about 6 or 7 years old. I actually never saw the movie, but I know what it is about. My family had just moved to a rural part of Georgia so my Dad could get to the north Georgia mountains for art photography. In the public school I was in, I was singled out with about 5 others as "bright kids" that get special treatment. This meant we got to do special lessons on our own and once a week were supposed to meet this lady they brought around who was really pretty cool. She was young, sexy and smart, and basically she just got us there in a trailer outside the school and b/s'ed us the whole time. Well, one of the things on her mind one week was this movie "Soylent Green". She told us the plot and had us discuss it even though we had not seen the movie. To this day I have never seen the movie. But sitting in that trailer in 1975 with my "special pals" in 1975 discussing this will never leave my mind. Thanks again, Sky. You are quite a character!

USMCFLYR 01-23-2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by USMCFLYR (Post 543602)

I can't say what went through the minds of every military pilot. In my experience the "general" thinking in the 1980's was to get in and then get out right away. Military service was a common path to the airlines and the airlines had a common cut off of 30 years of age until around 1990.

I don't know if military guys got around the age limit However it is logical to think that they wanted an airline career they left before reaching 30.


Sky -

Do you ever listen to anyone else on these forums?
You're right - you can't say what went through *every* military pilot's mind and neither can I. But I'll bet that I had more access to them and know more about them, and even knew more of them than you did in this particular instance and I say you are wrong. Military service might have a been ONE path to the airlines but what statistical proof do you have that it was common? I'd be willing to bet that a majority of the young men did not sit in the first day of AI/API (or AF equiv.) and wonder about what it was going to be like to be an airline pilot. Why can't you just accept that you are making generalizations about something that you have no proof of and leave it at that.
As for the 30 year old age cut-off; you're going to have to show that to me in writing to make me believe that a military pilot getting out after he was 30 couldn't get on with an airline - especially since the percentage of former military pilots was much higher back in the days right? I heard it was down to about 50/50 now.


cargo hopeful 01-23-2009 07:16 PM

Sky, just curious, are you breaking the 100k mark?

SkyHigh 01-23-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by SkyHigh (Post 543623)

Sky -

Do you ever listen to anyone else on these forums?
You're right - you can't say what went through *every* military pilot's mind and neither can I. But I'll bet that I had more access to them and know more about them, and even knew more of them than you did in this particular instance and I say you are wrong. Military service might have a been ONE path to the airlines but what statistical proof do you have that it was common? I'd be willing to bet that a majority of the young men did not sit in the first day of AI/API (or AF equiv.) and wonder about what it was going to be like to be an airline pilot. Why can't you just accept that you are making generalizations about something that you have no proof of and leave it at that.
As for the 30 year old age cut-off; you're going to have to show that to me in writing to make me believe that a military pilot getting out after he was 30 couldn't get on with an airline - especially since the percentage of former military pilots was much higher back in the days right? I heard it was down to about 50/50 now.


I do not have a research department. If it is really that important to you why don't you ask an airline pilot who is older than 50 and see what they remember from that time.

Also people on this forum love to come out of the woodwork and jump all over me when my recollection of fact is less than perfectly accurate. Often when there is not a rush of opposition in response to a post of mine that uses factual information the following silence itself is self evident of accuracy.

If nothing else DE727UPS should have something to say. He never lets me slide on anything. :)


SkyHigh 01-23-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by cargo hopeful (Post 543903)
Sky, just curious, are you breaking the 100k mark?

I am glad that you brought this up. Normally I do not like to quote such details like some here on APC. To me it is insensitive and rude. However I will volunteer that as a 19 year old in college I use to dream of what my life would be like as a fat cat rich airline pilot.

My airline dreams were a huge disappointment. I wasted nearly two decades and almost everything that I had and was left with an empty bag. Defeated and nearly destitute I had to leave the profession (was laid off with no other job opportunities). Since then I have been shocked at how quickly my dreams have true. Not only did all my lifestyle dreams come true but this June we are expecting our sixth son.

I can not say what my future holds but I am still stunned at my good fortune and am thankful everyday. There was a time when I thought that I had really blown it. I thought that I was too old to be a husband and father. I use to think that aviation had taken me away from all my best chances at life. All I had to do was to let go of a bad dream to get to a good one. So, in answer to your question; yes, I broke the mark a long time ago.


SkyHigh 01-23-2009 09:23 PM

Soylent Green is People !!!

Originally Posted by Cubdriver (Post 543805)
And you saw that movie back in the day? In about 1975 it went around to the cheaper drive ins and movie theatres across America, and of course this is the only way one saw a movie back in those days. There were no vcrs, dvds, tv movies, or HBO. I was about 6 or 7 years old. I actually never saw the movie, but I know what it is about. My family had just moved to a rural part of Georgia so my Dad could get to the north Georgia mountains for art photography. In the public school I was in, I was singled out with about 5 others as "bright kids" that get special treatment. This meant we got to do special lessons on our own and once a week were supposed to meet this lady they brought around who was really pretty cool. She was young, sexy and smart, and basically she just got us there in a trailer outside the school and b/s'ed us the whole time. Well, one of the things on her mind one week was this movie "Soylent Green". She told us the plot and had us discuss it even though we had not seen the movie. To this day I have never seen the movie. But sitting in that trailer in 1975 with my "special pals" in 1975 discussing this will never leave my mind. Thanks again, Sky. You are quite a character!

I am very glad that someone was able to pick up on that reference. :)


de727ups 01-23-2009 10:09 PM

"Often when there is not a rush of opposition in response to a post of mine that uses factual information the following silence itself is self evident of accuracy."

No Sky, it simply means people don't care to respond to you anymore. You're having delusions of grandeur again if you think people ignoring you brings accuracy to your statements...

SkyHigh 01-24-2009 07:04 AM

Tell us

Originally Posted by de727ups (Post 543991)
"Often when there is not a rush of opposition in response to a post of mine that uses factual information the following silence itself is self evident of accuracy."

No Sky, it simply means people don't care to respond to you anymore. You're having delusions of grandeur again if you think people ignoring you brings accuracy to your statements...

Break the silence then. Tell us. Do you remember the age 30 limit or not? What are your recollections of the 20/20 vision requirements?

Rather than accuse me of having delusions of grandeur why don't you jump on me and declare my information incorrect?


de727ups 01-24-2009 08:01 AM

Sky, you seem to be begging me to post at your thread. I'm just not interested in being a part of it other than to point out your silly logic here and there. Things like "well, if nobody tells me I'm wrong, I must be right".

SkyHigh 01-24-2009 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by de727ups (Post 544136)
Sky, you seem to be begging me to post at your thread. I'm just not interested in being a part of it other than to point out your silly logic here and there. Things like "well, if nobody tells me I'm wrong, I must be right".

Well then, at least will you pm USMCFLYR and tell him in private that I was right? We don't want the poor guy loose with mis-information do we?

My point is that if I post something that may not be exactly right in your eyes then you are quick to jump on me and try to rub my face in it. However when I am dead on accurate or cleanly win a debate only silence remains to hail my victory. ;)

You never come back with a, "good job skyhigh" or a "you really nailed me with that one". A pat on the back once in a while would be nice that is all.


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