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tsquare 09-27-2010 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by LuvJockey (Post 877140)
Does POS stand for Positively Outrageous Service on this forum? How about KMA? That's probably acceptable from a Delta guy, too.

Apparently since I received sanction from the moderators it is less acceptable than making fun of a potentially dangerous situation. Your arrogance is amazing, and the fact that it is allowed is disgusting.

LuvJockey 09-27-2010 04:23 PM

tsquare - Everything I've done is allowed because it has been done by a Delta guy(s) on other SWA threads. Unfortunately, most of the Delta guys that tend to participate on mostly SWA threads tend to throw bombs rather than post anything useful. I am sorry that I made you mad, you didn't seem to be one of those guys, so I can understand why you would be mad. That's how I got "If that's how you play the game (two can play).

Anybody done any research on what Delta's cost structure will be after their other work groups unionize? I know that the flight attendants are taking a vote, what other groups are voting on unionizing?

tsquare 09-27-2010 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by flyallnite (Post 877255)
So it's come to this, 32 years after deregulation... the endgame. SWA is now just like everyone else, and that's a good thing for all of us. The U.S. has too many airlines chasing too few customers. ATL has supported two airlines since EAL and AAI, and it wont' make any difference that the airplanes are now SWA. SWA has rational pricing. Valujet, Midway 2, Skybus... that was a blight on the industry. A strong SWA with presence throughout the USA will ensure that the days of waking up to a flavor of the week startup are over for good. DAL and SWA should coexist pretty well in ATL. SWA won't keep the business/first class. DAL will sell some coach seats to match the fares with SWA, regain the Airtran business flyer, and SWA will scrape up the interstate drivers and mouth-breathing WalMart shoppers just like they've always done. If SWA is going to compete in the NY/Southeast market, they have their work cut out for them with JetBlue, Delta, and AA. That's not to say they will fail, on the contrary, they will be very successful at doing what they've always done, which is selling coach seats at reasonable but profitable prices to people who might otherwise have driven. I don't see it having a substantial "bottom line" effect on Delta, or any other legacy for that matter. SWA will gain the last empty spot on the map and live off it's reputation. But that's the end of the boom days for them, the stock growth and the quick turns. Welcome to middle age!

Nice theory albeit a bit premature.

MILUAL 09-27-2010 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by Aloha (Post 877240)
Hell, the upgrade times at SWA is already at 15 years and I was hired almost five years ago....... A lot of us here don't have such a rosy outlook for our futures on this upcoming integration (no matter how it works out). I'm telling you now a lot of us are comfortable in the right seat, because the left seat ain't comin' anytime soon (even before this merger). I'm in favor of a strong company that will stay strong until I retire, but I've learned a lot from my captains........ you vote for what is best for you, stay with your first wife, first house, first car, and pray you don't merge with anyone if you are junior.

I wish well being and good luck to us all (on both sides of this future mess).

SWA F/O's, relax...... you might feel some momenarty pressure here........

Yea, wish it were not so but you are right. We forget one of the big culprits for seat stagnation is age 60 change. Thanks capt. prater/alpa (small c intentional) for that one finally getting through.

Sink r8 09-27-2010 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by flyallnite (Post 877255)
So it's come to this, 32 years after deregulation... the endgame. SWA is now just like everyone else, and that's a good thing for all of us. The U.S. has too many airlines chasing too few customers. ATL has supported two airlines since EAL and AAI, and it wont' make any difference that the airplanes are now SWA. SWA has rational pricing. Valujet, Midway 2, Skybus... that was a blight on the industry. A strong SWA with presence throughout the USA will ensure that the days of waking up to a flavor of the week startup are over for good. DAL and SWA should coexist pretty well in ATL. SWA won't keep the business/first class. DAL will sell some coach seats to match the fares with SWA, regain the Airtran business flyer, and SWA will scrape up the interstate drivers and mouth-breathing WalMart shoppers just like they've always done. If SWA is going to compete in the NY/Southeast market, they have their work cut out for them with JetBlue, Delta, and AA. That's not to say they will fail, on the contrary, they will be very successful at doing what they've always done, which is selling coach seats at reasonable but profitable prices to people who might otherwise have driven. I don't see it having a substantial "bottom line" effect on Delta, or any other legacy for that matter. SWA will gain the last empty spot on the map and live off it's reputation. But that's the end of the boom days for them, the stock growth and the quick turns. Welcome to middle age!

Well said. I must admit I've been thinking about the implications all day.

Valujet, then AAI were one of several "hometown" airlines in Atlanta's history. AAI, with a cost structure lower than LUV's, has had mixed results once Delta went through BK. In fact, they've been reducing their ATL presence, and trying to find other avenues for revenue. That's with a First Class.

After the honeymoon, it gets back to business, and what everyone has to offer.

Arguably, the new airline will offer a lesser product, unless you're a bag, and then you go free. And if you like witty PA's, and can't stand double-breasted pilots with a southern drawl wearing wool (leather lovers: rejoice), you're gonna be very happy. If you like somewhat plump middle-aged girls (or guys) in WalMart shorts, rather than someone plump middle-aged girls (or boys) in slightly pretentious "designer" uniforms, it'll be like a little slice of heaven...

LUV says the story is about them bringing lower fares to ATL. The story rarely is what the Marketing Depratments says it is. I think the story is about them taking out a competitor that was an actual LCC (not an imagined LCC), and crowding out LUV as they both running out of places to work their model. And it was about gaining access in New York.

Carl Spackler 09-27-2010 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by pilotrob23 (Post 877221)
stapled to the bottom. Funny if your thinking about a straight seniority integration. If they dont want it, they can move over to the tens of thousands appliants who will gladly start at the bottom. Not hating on alpa, or airtran, but that is how it is looking. Good luck to all though!

Your avatar describes you as a cl-65 pilot. I think your post really hurts other regional pilots because it furthers the stereotype of regional pilots that will do anything to get to a major. If AirTran pilots were excluded by SWA for any reason, you would gladly be one of those SWA applicants to start at the bottom?

You REALLY need to rethink life dude, because I would never hire you under any circumstance for any position. Integrity means something.


flyallnite 09-27-2010 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Sink r8 (Post 877263)
Well said. I must admit I've been thinking about the implications all day.

Valujet, then AAI were one of several "hometown" airlines in Atlanta's history. AAI, with a cost structure lower than LUV's, has had mixed results once Delta went through BK. In fact, they've been reducing their ATL presence, and trying to find other avenues for revenue. That's with a First Class.

After the honeymoon, it gets back to business, and what everyone has to offer.

Arguably, the new airline will offer a lesser product, unless you're a bag, and then you go free. And if you like witty PA's, and can't stand double-breasted pilots with a southern drawl wearing wool (leather lovers: rejoice), you're gonna be very happy. If you like somewhat plump middle-aged girls (or guys) in WalMart shorts, rather than someone plump middle-aged girls (or boys) in slightly pretentious "designer" uniforms, it'll be like a little slice of heaven...

LUV says the story is about them bringing lower fares to ATL. The story rarely is what the Marketing Depratments says it is. I think the story is about them taking out a competitor that was an actual LCC (not an imagined LCC), and crowding out LUV as they both running out of places to work their model. And it was about gaining access in New York.

Sink-- Quite right. It's not about bringing low fares anywhere, it's about making money---for the company and for the stockholder. SWA will charge what the market will bear... a good thing. Airtran leaving the market will boost Delta's business class demand, and it will reduce Delta's dependency upon its regionals to feed the international routes. There are plenty of routes DAL operates on a loss into ATL, at least that segment. But the traffic flows to S.A. and Europe more than make up for it. And with free bags... SWA had better hire some huge bag throwers in ATL, because they will be the "Mayflower Van Lines" of the airline world... ever seen some of the check in lines for Africa and S.A.?:D

Carl Spackler 09-27-2010 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by LuvJockey (Post 877258)
tsquare - Everything I've done is allowed because it has been done by a Delta guy(s) on other SWA threads. Unfortunately, most of the Delta guys that tend to participate on mostly SWA threads tend to throw bombs rather than post anything useful. I am sorry that I made you mad, you didn't seem to be one of those guys, so I can understand why you would be mad. That's how I got "If that's how you play the game (two can play).


This particular troll is modestly interesting. He talks about his current avatar of "If that's how you play the game" - but his previous avatar was: "Don't you Delta guys have anything better to do?" But in his little world, Delta pilots are the ones that throw bombs.

He also confuses your thinking that he's pathetic, with you thinking that your mad. People with unrealistically inflated egos tend to do that.


Sink r8 09-27-2010 04:53 PM

Well, thanks for an interesting discussion. LUV Jockey: nicely done. Congrats on making a move. I think you will be able to bask in the glow of this non-organic growth for a while, even if delicate tasks like the SLI will dampen your enthusiasm in short order. I see from your memos that you guys have some pretty nice Kool-Aid also, and the consumption thereof will sustain you.

As I wish upon a star tonight, I am going to perversely wish this is one of those "Russia" moments for your airline. As in Napoleon's Russia moment, when he realized (merde!) he might have made a slight mistake (and what's wiz zhe snoew, anyway?), or Adolf's Russia moment, when he quipped he could give it "one good kick" and knock the whole thing down.

I know, I know, it's not the spirit of Southern hospitality to fail to extend a warm hand of welcome. I live north of the shoe line, and our middle finger is usually extended for that very purpose... so welcome!

But as I said, one can hate the competitor fiercely, even love the competition itself... but deep down, one has to recognize we're only a bunch of pilots trying to make a living. Good luck to you, but curse be on the brown plague nonetheless.;)


Sink r8

LuvJockey 09-27-2010 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by Sink r8 (Post 877273)
Good luck to you, but curse be on the brown plague nonetheless.;)

I prefer "The Borg"

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