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Airhoss 09-27-2010 05:03 PM

SWA's past merger policy and SLI policy.

Is there any reason to expect something different this time?

xkuzme1 09-27-2010 05:05 PM

The law :D

forgot to bid 09-27-2010 05:16 PM

Well, look at major mergers since deregulation and maybe it'll jog some merger memories:

AMR: purchased Air California, Reno Air, TWA

America West: acquired US Airways

Continental Airlines: Texas Internatinoal, Frontier, People Express,

New York Air, United Airlines

Delta Air Lines: Western, some of Pan Am, Northwest Airlines.

Pan Am: National Airlines

Northwest Airlines: Republic Airlines

Ozark: Purchased by TWA

Pan Am: National

Republic Airlines: Combined North Central Airlines and Southern, bought out Hughes Airwest

Skywest: Acquired ASA and XJT

TWA: Purchased Ozark

Southwest: Acquired Muse Air, Morris Air and certain assets of ATA

US AIrways: Purchased Pacific Southwest Airlines, Piedmont

Gunfighter 09-27-2010 05:34 PM

Any chance you have a breakdown by pre/post McCaskill-Bond?

RedeyeAV8r 09-27-2010 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by Airhoss (Post 877284)

Is there any reason to expect something different this time?

Yes! Muse, Morris pilots were not represented by a Union Contract. ATA was but they never merged.

AirTran is represented by a contract and a Union.

I do no know what AirTran"s Scope Successorship clause is,
But I suspect this will be far from any staple Job and most likely it will go to Arbitration.

Airhoss 09-28-2010 06:21 AM

I do no know what AirTran"s Scope Successorship clause is,
But I suspect this will be far from any staple Job and most likely it will go to Arbitration.
That would be nice for the AirTran guys. I'm not sure that the Luv guys egos are going to be able to handle it.

sailingfun 09-28-2010 03:56 PM

Since they are two different unions the new law will apply. They will meet and negotiate. If they reach an agreement on a SLI its done. If the reach an impasse it goes to binding arbitration. Nothing complicated or complex in the process.

Airhoss 09-28-2010 08:29 PM

Frontier had a union. Didn't stop those SWA guys from trying to pull a major staple job on them now did it? I'm guessing that after that fiasco Gary didn't let his fly boys try to negotiate another merger/buyout.

sailingfun 09-29-2010 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by Airhoss (Post 877972)
Frontier had a union. Didn't stop those SWA guys from trying to pull a major staple job on them now did it? I'm guessing that after that fiasco Gary didn't let his fly boys try to negotiate another merger/buyout.

The SWA pilots were given veto authority on the merger if they could not reach a prenup with the Frontier pilots. That is not the case in this merger. SWA can propose anything they want. The Airtran pilots can refuse and it goes to arbitration. Much like Delta and NWA where Richard promised that no merger would happen without a prenup that DALPA was happy with management changed their mind. Normally you call it lying but in the corporate world there is seems to be no such thing.

Airhoss 10-09-2010 07:54 PM

The SWA pilots were given veto authority on the merger if they could not reach a prenup with the Frontier pilots.
That was a hell of prenup offer wasn't it? Something like, bend over and eat the shorts of the almighty SWA pilot group. RESPECT our authority, LUV the SWA pilots.

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