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thedud 10-04-2014 06:59 AM

Just a bump for more replies. This thread has over 1100 views and 9 replies??
We are all in this together.

tcraft 10-04-2014 10:07 AM

That attitude will surely get you help...

eman 10-04-2014 10:51 AM

I know it's supposed to be a huge secret, but perhaps if you gave the airplane type, these guys could be of more help...or PM someone

From what you described, I'd be thinking of getting out of there for something with benefits at the very least. If you don't get a type rating out of it, I think your experience in their plane won't be as useful in the future. Just look at ads on the orange site; all want time in make/model AND type rating...

Sounds to me like this company is just the kind of place that says they like to give guys a chance at jet time, certain type of experience blah blah blah, then take it all out of your salary; and you'll be lucky if they keep their word and send you to the sim. I have been through this myself and eventually you will come to realize they are just being cheap...experience and skill costs money; they could find who they need in no time if they paid up.

I think your job might also be one of the offers that when taken, drag down the rest of the pilot group because they just set the pay bar a little lower. No offense to you; I know plenty of guys who do this and while it has helped them, it hurts the rest of us. You have good experience so far, don't stagnate there for too long...

Good luck

thedud 10-04-2014 12:03 PM

Thx for the last reply. Precisely why at almost one year I am sending my feelers out. Type ratings are great, but talk is cheap. Time given to a company is your most valuable asset. If there is no reward in return for your time given, I feel one must move on, type or no type.
Rewarding these cheap companies with our time as professionals is how the wages become diluted.
Fwiw: I am trying to keep this professional and pragmatic.
However, I still have yet to get any figures as far as salaries in $ dollars per year.

eman 10-04-2014 01:54 PM

I hear ya man...I myself just had to make a very tough decision this week all because of the type rating issue. Lets just say they ended up making my decision for me.

Since we have similar times, here's what I was offered. 60k first six months, 65k after that and 70k after 12months (not guaranteed). 70% health insurance paid, cell phone per diem, on call 24/7, no guarantee of days off or vacation, type rating at 12 months (maybe sooner but no guarantee of either). this was a plane considered "heavy international jet" by pro pilot magazine.

My times: 3900 total, 3600pic, 1000tpic, 2200multi

Keep at it man. Quality jobs are out there; you live and learn.

thedud 10-08-2014 11:02 AM

Thanks. As we all say, it's a great job but a crappy career until you get with a stable company, but then it's still a crapshoot. IMHO we are all underpaid in 135. However, it can always be worse.

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