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DMEarc 03-04-2007 06:58 PM

Colgan Outstation Basing
Hey CJC'ers. I just had a guy PM me about outstation basing.

Do you guys think it will go away? If so, when?

dingo222 03-05-2007 04:34 AM

I think it will be around for a while. IT would be really expensive to change at this point. The colgans have shown that it can work with this size operation. I'd expect to see some consolidation though like at pit ie moving jamestown,johnstown and cmh all based out of pit with the new wv flying. I just don't see them changing up the schedules and paying for hotels when most people live in base at this point. My .02

flyguyniner11 03-05-2007 07:10 AM

I think they might be doing away with it, dont know why they think they have this great idea that noone has caught on to yet, i mean if it saves soo much money why doesnt anyone else do it? yeah you save on hotels and stuff but you prob end up paying more in repoing planes for mx or other reasons which i'm sure adds up

DMEarc 03-05-2007 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by flyguyniner11 (Post 128615)
I think they might be doing away with it, dont know why they think they have this great idea that noone has caught on to yet, i mean if it saves soo much money why doesnt anyone else do it? yeah you save on hotels and stuff but you prob end up paying more in repoing planes for mx or other reasons which i'm sure adds up

Two completely different answers. Maybe we should ask it in a CC next time.

Any other CJC'ers?

JoeyMeatballs 03-05-2007 11:21 AM

colgan pay for a hotel hahahhahahahaahahah.................reminds me of the time the SAAB broke in LGA and we had to drive an hr north to Ogendsburg NY for a hotel, cause apparently there are no hotels near LGA UNDER 100 bucks a bastards.....the best part was when me and Flava Flav got to the hotel they had no idea who the hell we were so that took another 1 to get taken care of..........Oh the insanity

DMEarc 03-05-2007 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by SAABaroowski (Post 128733)
colgan pay for a hotel hahahhahahahaahahah.................reminds me of the time the SAAB broke in LGA and we had to drive an hr north to Ogendsburg NY for a hotel, cause apparently there are no hotels near LGA UNDER 100 bucks a bastards.....the best part was when me and Flava Flav got to the hotel they had no idea who the hell we were so that took another 1 to get taken care of..........Oh the insanity

Saab, you do know that La Guardia and Ogdensburg are 6.5 hours apart, right?

JoeyMeatballs 03-05-2007 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by DMEarc (Post 128754)
Saab, you do know that La Guardia and Ogdensburg are 6.5 hours apart, right?

oh boy........Orangeburg than maybe?. some place out in the stix

YoYoMa16 03-05-2007 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by SAABaroowski (Post 128733)
colgan pay for a hotel hahahhahahahaahahah.................reminds me of the time the SAAB broke in LGA and we had to drive an hr north to Ogendsburg NY for a hotel, cause apparently there are no hotels near LGA UNDER 100 bucks a bastards.....the best part was when me and Flava Flav got to the hotel they had no idea who the hell we were so that took another 1 to get taken care of..........Oh the insanity

ur an idiot

AbZorbFly 03-06-2007 05:22 AM

Originally Posted by YoYoMa16 (Post 128946)
ur an idiot

my best time was the night before ioe and i check in the hotel and there was no reservation and theni called and scheduling made one and i get to my room and get a call the credit card was took me two months to get credit for it...colgan...bastards...i got paid my overguarantee from june and july 06 last week...YAY...

ummm outstations...are colgans pride and joy they will not go away...that keeps them from paying you 5 to 8 dollars of per first year salary that i took home at colgan was 12, stamps baby...and what sucks is being on the 1900 you don't get pretzels and drinks...

don't try to take them out of the cabinets at the hangar you will get fired

JoeyMeatballs 03-06-2007 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by YoYoMa16 (Post 128946)
ur an idiot

I've been called worse..........Chuck is that you?

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