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Pilotpip 06-28-2007 04:45 PM

Nope. Flynavyj hit the nail on the head. They're trying to give us an incentive to stick around versus leaving in droves like FOs have been. No new flying, no new planes and this came from the CFO's mouth Tuesday.

Does anybody else find it odd that seems there are few pilots here that have been with the company between 2 and about 7 years, yet there are a ton at the higher end of the list?

Lbell911 06-28-2007 04:50 PM

I guess they are scared that ya'll are going to be leaving in droves to United as they are gearing up "open the gates" for new hire F/O's? Thinking with the pay raise that comes with the seat, then you won't go?

Best of luck to all of you in which ever you choose.

flynavyj 06-28-2007 05:02 PM

good reason for the lack of 2-7 (think its closer to 2-4) year FO shortage a good chunk of it has to do with the furloughs, when 80 people left the company just over a year ago, almost none came back...why? Most had other jobs within a week, several friends said "i was furloughed for all of 2 days" and the jobs they got gave them much better QOL than a TSA FO whether that was corporate or other 121 gigs.

The way the company is currently running things they're running out of options quickly. They've lowered hiring minimums as low as they can go, they've lowered captain minimums as long as they can go, bonuses probably won't do much to try to steal pilots from other airlines as no one would bite at them. The guys with 250 hrs are going to use this place as a stepping stone, because even though they're @ the airlines, they'll be marketable to greener pastures as soon as IOE is complete. Things are gonna have to change at this place, or it's going to bury itself, and management won't even see it coming.

Pilotpip 06-28-2007 05:32 PM

Yeah, I know a couple of those guys and they resigned and went to other regionals before their furlough dates even came up.

You know, I wonder how much money is being hemmoraged that would be saved in the long-term by making it a little more enticing to work here by paying better or having better work rules...

ExperimentalAB 06-28-2007 06:44 PM

I was kicking myself for about three minutes for leaving TSA last month when I found out about the lowered times this morning...But then I came to my senses and realized I had left the place for a reason (and that reason had nothing to do with upgrade). It will take a little bit longer to Upgrade where I am now, but it will be a much "sweeter" upgrade :-)

btwissel 06-29-2007 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by ExperimentalAB (Post 186911)
I was kicking myself for about three minutes for leaving TSA last month when I found out about the lowered times this morning...But then I came to my senses and realized I had left the place for a reason (and that reason had nothing to do with upgrade). It will take a little bit longer to Upgrade where I am now, but it will be a much "sweeter" upgrade :-)

same boat as you. put in the i quit letter, and a week later the memo was out. but i'll be living in domicile with the new gig, and flying a nicer AC.

mking84 06-29-2007 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by flynavyj (Post 186833)
to mking, the reason the minimums are so low currently is because the company (in their infinite wisdom) had run out of qualified upgrade candidates ... aka, everyone before you already had been called. With the new requirements, that should make about 45 more people eligible for upgrade immediately, and the new hire class that was behind those 45 people will begin to be eligible within the next 3 months...hope all those guys are ready with only one year on the dang airplane.

as far as attracting more people...i dunno, but, this might be their ploy to retain some of the ones they least from the FO ranks, where attrition is worse than on the captain side.

I understand why they are lowering the is pathetic though. I cant imagine why they cant "attract" more pilots.....ha. Hulas needs to get the &^%* out of the airline business.

ExperimentalAB 06-29-2007 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by mking84 (Post 187230)
Hulas needs to get the &^%* out of the airline business.

Those are words of wisdom. You are absolutely correct. The only problem is - what happens to TSA's Pilots once he wants out? Does he sell to his kids who tank the company, sell to another regional, go bankrupt, etc...? Only time can tell ;-) Hulas may be an awful Airline-dude, but it's his company (i.e. his baby - though he doesn't treat it like so!) and he's probably one of the few that want to see it around...

flynavyj 06-29-2007 08:07 PM

Hulas is currently about as far out of the picture as he can be, (he seems to have bought a nice $7m house down in florida)...apparently his daughter has some interest in running the company, so she'll probably be the next Hula's successor.

King, it's no surprise that TSA can't attract pilots, as it's not an attractive airline. I was born and raised in STL, and this airline was a niche' for me b4 and after the furloughs, as living in base (at the folks place) makes first year FO pay more than bearable, and when i start commuting from MCI it'll still be a "drive" away @ worst. If i wasn't from the area, i wouldn't have even thought of applying here, especially with the current state of the industry...of course, when i got on, the industry wasn't "quite" where it is now...TSA was getting close though.

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