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SWAcapt 01-07-2006 02:24 PM

Very well said Speed!

Perisitance pays! Winners never quit and quitters never win.

SkyHigh 01-08-2006 06:04 AM


Though persistence is important one doesn't have to look hard for to find people who have pi$$ed their entire lives away chasing a dream that was never meant for them. LCC's are full of poor divorced guys who are left with nothing on their 60th birthday. Hanging on too long can be a bad mistake. The hardest thing I ever had to do was to walk away from aviation. I believe that if you haven't made it to the big time by 35 its mostly over. By 40 it is done. You probably could still get hired by a AA or CAL, but you would be in for a few furloughs and probably a long ride to the left seat. By the time you made it anywhere you time would be almost up and you will have spent your life on reserve and living in places that you didn't want too. To me my time in the bush was a career death sentence. It is what I wanted to do ever since I was 12 but it doesn't seem to mesh well with the majors anymore. No one cares about real experience. Computers take care of that now. To HR it seems that if you were not a 27 year old 121 captain then you must be a looser of some kind. The friends of mine who survived the bush are now working in small cubicles in So Cal or driving a trash truck.


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