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PittsburghDude 05-02-2008 08:49 AM

AWAC Hiring Pool
interviewed in ORF on 4/22, got the call today saying i've been selected into the hiring pool. didn't know AWAC had an active pool? anybody else interview lately get the same treatment?

Flitestar 05-02-2008 09:19 AM

Quick question PittsburghDude, Do you know if AWAC has raised their minimums above 2000TT?

Out of curiosity...

saabguy493 05-02-2008 09:57 AM

I got a phone call with 2300 hours and previous 121 and never was asked to come to an interview. I got the nasty email a week after they called me.

Flitestar 05-02-2008 10:06 AM

Dude, I sent my stuff on a sunday, I received the nasty email the next day, early afternoon.

2100TT and +300ME, College, ATPw and the whole enchilada... (No previous 121 tho...)


E6-B 05-02-2008 10:09 AM

Hmmm, I got an offer and have about 1270tt.

I don't think I'm going to take it though, you can have my slot if you want.

Flitestar 05-02-2008 10:13 AM


I thought they where looking only for people with prior 121 experience, but I read that Saabguy got the same email, with 121...

Who knows...

E6-B 05-02-2008 11:14 AM

I have 121 time and I had an internal rec.

Seriously though, lets say $100 and the spot is yours.

Flitestar 05-02-2008 12:07 PM

Nah, I appreciate it tho... :D

I think I got my hook set on a good one (or Id like to think so...)

We'll see.

SuperPilotJesse 05-02-2008 12:33 PM

Wow... I was offered a April 22 or April 15 interview with 650/250 not ATPw or degree. But I turned it down.. I was already hired by then! Glad I didn't go just to be in a pool.

Wonder why they even wanted me to interview when you guys are so much more qualified?

RPCV 05-02-2008 03:59 PM

Interesting. I have a friend that applied about two weeks ago, his current status says "Phone Interview." He just broke 500TT. Also, we have a friend that is in training at Air Wis who says they had a May 12th class that was cancelled, the've stopped upgrades, and are having people in the training dept go back on line.

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