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ExperimentalAB 08-26-2008 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by Nevets (Post 450767)
I think that I've always been civil in my conversations here. The fact is that there was a competing bid for the flying XJT is doing for CAL. I just used that fact to hypothesize. It was pretty clear to me that CAL whipsawed XJT into this deal. I apologize if you took offense. None was meant.

Don't forget that XJT being awarded their original contract at what, 10% profit, was necessary to attract investors...they were just spun-off, no longer wholely-owned, and at the time it was a bad market.

Fast-forward to today, where XJT was enjoying the best mainline contract in the business in the worst climate we've seen in years and years, and you have to be blind to have not seen change coming! Because XJT management had never dealt with belt-tightening times on their own, they had built a relatively-speaking inefficient business...with so much money flowing in, there was no reason to think the music would stop.

We feel for y'all...all of us really and just comes down to the fact that XJT was woefully unprepared for the hard-times, and on top of that, management was trying to play little David against Goliath CAL.

Stay strong.

Nevets 08-26-2008 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by ExperimentalAB (Post 450815)
Don't forget that XJT being awarded their original contract at what, 10% profit, was necessary to attract investors...they were just spun-off, no longer wholely-owned, and at the time it was a bad market.

Fast-forward to today, where XJT was enjoying the best mainline contract in the business in the worst climate we've seen in years and years, and you have to be blind to have not seen change coming! Because XJT management had never dealt with belt-tightening times on their own, they had built a relatively-speaking inefficient business...with so much money flowing in, there was no reason to think the music would stop.

We feel for y'all...all of us really and just comes down to the fact that XJT was woefully unprepared for the hard-times, and on top of that, management was trying to play little David against Goliath CAL.

Stay strong.

Yeah, XJT just got what the market could bear. CAL used the prevailing market to whipsaw XJT. I'm sure it was all part of their original plan from when XJT was spun off and XJT was just reactionary to all of CAL's decisions since then. The price of oil probably made CAL more aggressive than they may have been otherwise as well.

Thanks for the kind words.

dojetdriver 08-26-2008 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by ExperimentalAB (Post 450815)
Don't forget that XJT being awarded their original contract at what, 10% profit, was necessary to attract investors...they were just spun-off, no longer wholely-owned, and at the time it was a bad market.

Fast-forward to today, where XJT was enjoying the best mainline contract in the business in the worst climate we've seen in years and years, and you have to be blind to have not seen change coming! Because XJT management had never dealt with belt-tightening times on their own, they had built a relatively-speaking inefficient business...with so much money flowing in, there was no reason to think the music would stop.

Ye, that pretty much sums up the whole ball of wax right there.

dba74 08-27-2008 10:41 AM

i've kind of alluded to it before in previous posts but how would XJT pilots feel about a CAL buyout? How would CAL pilots feel? I think this makes sense right now and I might start a new thread if this doesn't get responses


JetJock16 08-27-2008 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by dba74 (Post 451131)
i've kind of alluded to it before in previous posts but how would XJT pilots feel about a CAL buyout? How would CAL pilots feel? I think this makes sense right now and I might start a new thread if this doesn't get responses


There's no way that CAL pilots would ever allow it to happen unless the two can remain 100% independent. How would you feel if a 20 year XJT CA bumped you out of your CAL seat? Don’t get me wrong I know anything can happen but this will not. Just look at Comair vs. DAL.

In order for CAL to purchase XJT, the “clause” would………………….well you understand. I'm sure someone will bite and bark at me but every poster has a right to his or her own opinions, regardless.

Roper92 08-27-2008 02:45 PM

It would sure be a mess. I know the CAL guys would not be down for integration, just like XJT would not be interested in getting the big fat staple to the bottom of the CAL list. The reason behind the supposed buyout from I heard is....

CAL wants the EMB-190
Scope won't allow it given to a regional
CAL pilots won't fly it for less than 737 rates
CAL buys XJT, integrates the pilot groups and creates an EMB-190 payscale

Take it for what it's it stupid, impossible, smart, probable

Bond 08-27-2008 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by Roper92 (Post 451277)
It would sure be a mess. I know the CAL guys would not be down for integration, just like XJT would not be interested in getting the big fat staple to the bottom of the CAL list. The reason behind the supposed buyout from I heard is....

CAL wants the EMB-190
Scope won't allow it given to a regional
CAL pilots won't fly it for less than 737 rates
CAL buys XJT, integrates the pilot groups and creates an EMB-190 payscale

Take it for what it's it stupid, impossible, smart, probable

A lot more probable than you think.........

ToiletDuck 08-27-2008 04:44 PM

All it takes is proper wording. If Bank of America can acquire Country Wide the way it did where it can reap the benefits and dodge the billions of liability then there's nothing a well paid lawyer, accountant, and CEO can't do.

newarkblows 08-27-2008 04:46 PM

the CAL pilots would be all for it but with certain exceptions. XJT alpa would have to agree to merge the lists but take into account "career expectations" at CAL. SO we would either be stapled or allowed 1/3 or 1/2 longevity on the final list.

newarkblows 08-27-2008 05:35 PM

reasons CAL would want to:

CAL's ownership of xjt would allow CAL the ability to shed 50 seat feed if it needed it, potentially have a lower end B or C scale now for aircraft in the 70-130 seat range, timing is on CAL side when dealing with CAL ALPA and xjt ALPA, i am guessing xjt pilots would cave on pay and contract clauses to be put on the CAL list at a seperate payscale, the systems are already in place and the similarities would make it a relatively easy transition BACK to the way things were.

reasons CAL ALPA would want it:

larger, stronger pilot group, XJT would absorb any furloughs or downsizing, more aircraft and QOL options, CAL ALPA would have the upper hand in terms of asking for fences, and is an opportunity to get some of their flying back from the regionals.

why XJT ALPA would want it:
larger stronger pilot group with a more secure future in the long run, #'s on a majors list, higher earning potential after fences expire,

I am an XJT pilot and would be willing to be furloughed in the short term for a # at CAL. This could be an opportunity for a Major to get some of their own flying back from a regional.

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