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hemaybedid 02-09-2010 04:50 PM

Happy 1 year anniversary to ASA's furloughs
Today ASA's first round of furloughs begins their second year of furlough. I want to go back to work!

Intl Jumper 02-09-2010 04:53 PM

We all want you guys to come back ASAP!

JoeyMeatballs 02-09-2010 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by hemaybedid (Post 761097)
Today ASA's first round of furloughs begins their second year of furlough. I want to go back to work!

Put on PBS in 3 might consider yourself lucky;)

surreal1221 02-09-2010 06:19 PM


At this rate it'll be two years (once the old gents start dropping out) before any of us are called back.

Better to expect that, than to hold onto whatever false hope you might really have.

hemaybedid 02-09-2010 09:19 PM


I was thinking about the same thing recently and then tried to remember how long we retain our recall rights. I looked it up and the contract says after four years we lose recall rights. I guess that gives us about six months or so after the retirements start to be recalled. So worst case scenario we are going to be pushing it pretty close.

hemaybedid 02-09-2010 09:26 PM

I just looked it up and the date of the age 65 change was 12/13/07. So I guess it gives us closer to 13 months after 12/13/12. Again, I hope this is the worst case scenario.

Av8trix 02-09-2010 10:51 PM

No recall rumors yet?

gtechpilot 02-10-2010 04:00 AM

Originally Posted by Av8trix (Post 761326)
No recall rumors yet?

Are you kidding? Of course there are recall rumors! :D Last month my mother-in-law called to tell me that a captain in her church who was in recurrent that week said that CT said that recalls might happen this spring! Gotta love it when recurrent rumors make it to the in-laws. :rolleyes:

Furloughee 02-10-2010 04:50 AM

I do not work for ASA. But I have been furloughed for 18 months. After about six months I stopped listening to all the recall rumors. And our contract stated that we give up recall rights after 3 years. But according to the union, that has changed to 7 years. Anyways happy one year anniversary.

todd1200 02-10-2010 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by hemaybedid (Post 761313)

I was thinking about the same thing recently and then tried to remember how long we retain our recall rights. I looked it up and the contract says after four years we lose recall rights. I guess that gives us about six months or so after the retirements start to be recalled. So worst case scenario we are going to be pushing it pretty close.

If the PBS LOA passes, recall rights will go up to 5 years -- hopefully something better will have come along by then anyway.

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