SWA or AA for a DFW guy?

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Quote: Yep. Almost every day I'm flying this month is 4 legs/day with 10+ hr duty days and short overnights (12 hrs or less). Just saw a guy with a 4-day Hawaii trip. The second day was five legs and the third day was six legs, all intra-island. Like someone on here said, SWA is very go-go, like getting a military mission done. Having flown in the military on actual combat missions, I can say there is truth in this.

Sounds like poor bidding to me. You can focus on the crap lines like that or relish the nice two leg two day out and back pairings to Hawaii that pay 25 or so on premium. Granted it takes a little bit of seniority to get them.
Quote: First off thank you to all of the folks who have brought perspective. It’s a pretty crazy time we’re in where us new hires have more than one choice. The fact that you take the time out to help us is awesome and I’m grateful.

Sounds like 70% of the answer is drive to work. The other 30% is what we’re trying to pull from your experiences.

Im struggling with the same choice as OP (will be living in DFW area). The only additional info I can provide is that I’ll be a reserve guy on the side with a bit more of a substantial commitment at 6-slightly more than 8 days/ month requested of me. I’ve done the fly around the world thing and I’m not particularly interested in doing it again even if it is for outrageous amounts of pay. I did my ATP in an A320 sim and totally understand how nice it is. 10/10. I’m really interested in getting away from the death by papercuts that is active duty and want to avoid that as much as possible.

Jealous of the planes at AA and the line scheduling/vacation manipulation/trip trading ability at SWA. I love how each company really is trying to look out for the young guy as well. 32 years to go makes this decision pretty important for me.

Any/all advice is appreciated. Perspectives from both sides requested.
Your career will have a lot more variety at AA, and a lot more predictably at SWA. If you like working on days off go to SWA- they have a lot of ability to do that and get paid well for it. If you just want to bid a schedule, drop mil leave to get out of things you don’t feel like working, show up fly and go home then go to AA.

With 30 years left, I’d go to AA for the variety of fleets and types of flying. I also don’t like flying more than 3 legs a day and don’t like flying on days off.
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