NW guys hats on?

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Quote: No, I thought you were the one with a hot FA on each arm.
Ha! While we brought plenty of super premium widebody flying to the merger, we are sorely lacking in the hot FA department. Are you sure you were in the old NWA terminal?
Quote: Speaking of airlines and the impression they make...try this video

YouTube - US Air Party Time

This fruit should probably not chat with the pax or have a uniform that implies they are a pilot. I hate that some flight attendants can wear something similar to the pilots.

Looking at it again, I think frooty is a pilot. He should definately not fraternize with the pax
I'm as straight-laced as the next pilot, but I have to give this FA some kudos for keeping the pax happy. Not once in that video did I hear anything but jovial laughter from the customers. I have my intuitions about the situatioun, but he did his job. Good on him for keeping the peace.
Quote: I'm as straight-laced as the next pilot, but I have to give this FA some kudos for keeping the pax happy. Not once in that video did I hear anything but jovial laughter from the customers. I have my intuitions about the situation, but he did his job. Good on him for keeping the peace.
Hopefully he was an FA. A male FA being frooty might be the norm but the person who made the video thought he was a pilot and that is my point. FAs should not wear a uniform that implies they are a pilot, it confuses passengers. The guy has epaulets with stripes and wings, he looks like a pilot and is clearly a fruit rollup spreading ferry dust all over the passenger deck. That might be fine for an FA but not OK for a pilot. I saw the video and was not sure myself and completely unimpressed. It is inappropriate for a pilot. Most people would not be pleased if they saw cherry jubliee go into the flight deck. I know I wouldn't. Lets not forget there were probably a number of passengers who kept their mouth shut who felt the same as me.

Secondly, the person who took this video posted it on youtube. One does not do this unless the person being videoed was being outlandish.
I agree with you Crunch. I guess I didn't hear the pilot reference. Must be the multiple refreshing beverages I've been consuming! I would think the majority of pax could tell the difference by the neatly trimmed goat some FAs wear. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, though.
Quote: Speaking of airlines and the impression they make...try this video

YouTube - US Air Party Time

This fruit should probably not chat with the pax or have a uniform that implies they are a pilot. I hate that some flight attendants can wear something similar to the pilots.

Looking at it again, I think frooty is a pilot. He should definately not fraternize with the pax
You seem to have worse problems than uniform recognition.
Quote: Ha! While we brought plenty of super premium widebody flying to the merger, we are sorely lacking in the hot FA department. Are you sure you were in the old NWA terminal?
He was........he just didn't notice it was a KLM or Air France flight
Quote: He was........he just didn't notice it was a KLM or Air France flight
Ferd, that explains it.
It's Still Ugly!
Quote: Hey..doncha get it? It`s a joke!
WOW...and all this time I was worried that my AF uniform was "Navy Blue" and it wasn't! Then I find out my NWA uniform was Navy Blue! And now my DAL uniform isn't BLACK! What's the world coming too? BTW it's still ugly!
Quote: You will find out when you do you 5 day indoc in ATL that, if you do not already have a call sign, the DAL call sign assigner 3.4 computer program generate one for you which will follow you the rest of your career at DAL...this right after the widget is tattooed to your left cheek!
Whatever you do, NEVER suggest a call sign for yourself. At a former airline, we had an Italian kid in our class. He wanted to be call signed "STALLION." After considerable thought, we call signed him "SCALLION." He despised it, and naturally, it stuck forever.

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