Why would you come to Republic?

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Quote: Oh right, so we better choose one of the other regionals. They all treated their pilots well during the bad times.
Hopefully you don’t find out just how bad they can treat their employees. Yes Republic had the lowest FO pay besides Mesa and Great Lakes. They brought a airline, while they furloughed their own employees. Tried to side step labor law to prevent SLI between Frontier and Republic. Oh and of course everyone is aware how B.B. treated the Midwest employees.

Keep drinking that cool aid! Pretty sure you were one of the guys believing you would get Endeavor rates! I would listen to those grumpy senior pilots and not some management pilot.
Quote: I have raised this repeatedly and most have said they don't care because times are different. The forced retirements are there, but how that would coincide with an economic downturn, I'm not sure. The majors could try to get an age 67 or 70, but at a certain point you hit a wall. You're not going to have 80 year old airline pilots walking around.
I hope it doesn’t happen, but it certainly could. I guess the good news is 49 percent of the pilots agree with you, and not the koolaid drinkers. If we ever see furloughs at regionals, republic would be the last place I would want to be stuck.
Quote: Hopefully you don’t find out just how bad they can treat their employees. Yes Republic had the lowest FO pay besides Mesa and Great Lakes. They brought a airline, while they furloughed their own employees. Tried to side step labor law to prevent SLI between Frontier and Republic. Oh and of course everyone is aware how B.B. treated the Midwest employees.

Keep drinking that cool aid! Pretty sure you were one of the guys believing you would get Endeavor rates! I would listen to those grumpy senior pilots and not some management pilot.

I voted no on the LOA. And my point was not that Republic was great in the past. It’s that every regional did the same sort of thing. They are all the same. Just because someone likes a job it doesn’t mean they drink koolaid. I go to work, like my coworkers and the flying, and go home. Sorry your experience was worse than that.
Quote: I hope it doesn’t happen, but it certainly could. I guess the good news is 49 percent of the pilots agree with you, and not the koolaid drinkers. If we ever see furloughs at regionals, republic would be the last place I would want to be stuck.
And yet you stayed for years when there are so many better places to be.
Quote: And yet you stayed for years when there are so many better places to be.
The title of the thread is "why would anyone come to republic" not "why would anyone stay at republic". It's hard to start over.
Quote: And yet you stayed for years when there are so many better places to be.
I believe the poster is a CA in the ORD domicile based on the screen name. That likely means 15+ years of seniority. It would not be smart to just dump that and go to another regional even if the company is bad.
Quote: And yet you stayed for years when there are so many better places to be.
I stayed because the hiring environment was completely different prior to 2012 or so. I left to a legacy, but I would have went to Spirit to get out.

Wonder how the bids go this month for you guys. No worries for management, because they will not be held accountable. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Endeavor rates are just around the corner. No ORD is not shrinking, but we will not backfill.
Quote: I stayed because the hiring environment was completely different prior to 2012 or so. I left to a legacy, but I would have went to Spirit to get out.

Wonder how the bids go this month for you guys. No worries for management, because they will not be held accountable. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Endeavor rates are just around the corner. No ORD is not shrinking, but we will not backfill.
To extract what you're saying:

1. The bids are messed up almost every month with pairing errors, technical delays, etc.

This is true. They have to be re-run and re-built more often than not. It truly is a mess.

2. Endeavor rates are never coming even though many think they are.

I have yet to meet a pilot here who thinks Endeavor rates are coming. 100% of us wanted better rates than what we got in this last LOA. 49% (including myself) were willing to vote down the LOA to achieve that. It didn't happen.

3. ORD is shrinking even though people are telling themselves it's not.

I don't know of anyone who believes ORD isn't shrinking except maybe the merger and acquisition rumor-hungry folks. There aren't a lot of even those who fully believe what they're saying. You are correct that ORD is shrinking and has been for several years. That's the bad news. The good news is the company did not displace any pilots to shrink it. They, probably for self-serving reasons, allowed attrition to do the shrinkage. The base has now shrunk to the point where FOs are getting into the base without any problems. The CA side is a different story. There are probably 30-50 captains in other bases who have ORD in their vacancy bid. A new hire should not plan on ever upgrading in ORD.

Taking all of the above into account, is Republic still one of the best regionals to work for right now? In my opinion, yes. Could it be better? Are there problems? Absolutely.
Out of curiosity, what regional would you pick to be stuck at?
Quote: what I'm frustrated about, and what continues to frustrate me, is how people at RAH somehow have the most insane cases of Stockholm Syndrome I've ever seen. It's not a great company. It's not a great place to work. It never was, and never will be. It's Republic. It's a misery, soul sucking place that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I want someone who currently works there to explain to me why you think it's so great.
It’s not the same place now that I got hired at in 2007. I know plenty of people that make a comfortable living there, live in base and have no plans to move on. To each their own. That being said you couldn’t pay me enough to stay there.
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