Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Kentucky public school system gradiate here... can somebody put this in terms rednecks can understand?
Quote: Isn't it a refinance of 22aircraft and the original financefor 5 more aircraft
As I read more it to it, I beleive that you are correct.
Quote: Kentucky public school system gradiate here... can somebody put this in terms rednecks can understand?
We are getting a better rate on some jets and financing a few more.
Quote: We are getting a better rate on some jets and financing a few more.
OK.. thanks... and congrats on your 6,000th post. Get a life.

(You know I'm kidding)
Quote: OK.. thanks... and congrats on your 6,000th post. Get a life.

(You know I'm kidding)
Funny thing is I probably get more accomplished in a day than most of the slackers on here do. I will not bore you though.

I will be finding better things to do with my time in the next few months. Trust me.

You will miss me when I am gone!
Quote: Funny thing is I probably get more accomplished in a day than most of the slackers on here do. I will not bore you though.

I will be finding better things to do with my time in the next few months. Trust me.

You will miss me when I am gone!
I actually hung my Christmas lights outside in the time it took from my last post to now. Not bad. Especially when I realized I screwed up at the end and had to start all over. Now my wife will be satisfied when she asks how did I spend my day.

One thing in regards to my previous posts to you ACL, I do agree that the union could/should put out a white paper at least detailing our expectations of what we/DALPA should get if an agreement is signed with JAL. The company has gone public with their risk/benefit analysis and I see no reason why we shouldn't give one to the pilot group either. This may have been what you were insinuating but I may have misread or misunderstood it. At the very least the union should highlight the potential pitfalls of the worst case scenarios involving an award or refusal of our bid and also the benefits of each case. At least we the pilots, will be given enough general information to understand the union's support for this.
My guess is this financing deal is the first of a few we will see to spread our debt repayments out. RA stated that one of his goals is to get DAL on an $800M per year debt repayment budget. Without a few refi's, the next couple years have very high debtloads due.

just a guess.

Quote: My guess is this financing deal is the first of a few we will see to spread our debt repayments out. RA stated that one of his goals is to get DAL on an $800M per year debt repayment budget. Without a few refi's, the next couple years have very high debtloads due.

just a guess.

Agreed. Most of this was due shortly, and now will be due a few years later. Good rates too!
Quote: I actually hung my Christmas lights outside in the time it took from my last post to now. Not bad. Especially when I realized I screwed up at the end and had to start all over. Now my wife will be satisfied when she asks how did I spend my day.

One thing in regards to my previous posts to you ACL, I do agree that the union could/should put out a white paper at least detailing our expectations of what we/DALPA should get if an agreement is signed with JAL. The company has gone public with their risk/benefit analysis and I see no reason why we shouldn't give one to the pilot group either. This may have been what you were insinuating but I may have misread or misunderstood it. At the very least the union should highlight the potential pitfalls of the worst case scenarios involving an award or refusal of our bid and also the benefits of each case. At least we the pilots, will be given enough general information to understand the union's support for this.
What you state above was the intent and suggestion I was suggesting.

Christmas Lights? Not here, too much work on my 12-12 roof. I got a pass the last five years from the wife!
Quote: Good rates too!
Good for an airline I suppose.
Look at the ratings on this new paper. Just above "junk bond" status.

Moody’s: Class A certificates: Baa2 Class B: Ba2
Standard & Poor’s: Class A certificates: A- Class B: BBB-
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