54 year old - too old?

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Hi there,

Thanks to all who responded. Sorry for the late reply.

rickair7777 I don't have the right to work in the USA. Anyhow, I am not sure I can get an E3 visa as I opted out of College back in the day, thus no degree, which is a prerequisite for the E3 visa.

Edgewoodrx that's good to know. I am quite a fan of the Beech planes, especially the Kingair series.

Finally, MadmanX2 my health is quite good (if you don't count my nearsightedness ) I did a quick medical about 4 months ago, all is OK, so the Doc said.

In reply to some people who say I will be a threat. I don't think that will be the case. Chill out.

Questions from a foreigner
Ted, there are boundless opportunities for you in the US. As mentioned, right to work and medical are the largest hurdles. Flight Safety has a CFI prgram in Vero Beach, FL that has a two year commitment, but all ratings are provided for free. You show up as a instrument rated commercial pilot to start.
If you can get here and have legal right to work, prepared to work hard at learning, a slice of the American Dream is yours to have.

Quote: Hi there,

Thanks to all who responded. Sorry for the late reply.

rickair7777 I don't have the right to work in the USA. Anyhow, I am not sure I can get an E3 visa as I opted out of College back in the day, thus no degree, which is a prerequisite for the E3 visa.

Edgewoodrx that's good to know. I am quite a fan of the Beech planes, especially the Kingair series.

Finally, MadmanX2 my health is quite good (if you don't count my nearsightedness ) I did a quick medical about 4 months ago, all is OK, so the Doc said.

In reply to some people who say I will be a threat. I don't think that will be the case. Chill out.

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