Commuter policy? Reserve/crashpad

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Quote: Contemplating going to Republic for first 121 job after being away from flying for a long time. Where does one go to check out crash pads for various domiciles? This is a big consideration for me deciding between Republic and another carrier. Thanks.

Well crashpads are not a company driven thing. What bases were you looking at for either carrier? A place like LGA or ORD will have a ton of crashpads. Somewhere like PIT, not so much.

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Quote: Contemplating going to Republic for first 121 job after being away from flying for a long time. Where does one go to check out crash pads for various domiciles? This is a big consideration for me deciding between Republic and another carrier. Thanks.
In the larger cities (NY, ORD) you'll probably find a selection on the web like at

There were listings on crashpads at some of the other areas (PIT, CMH, IND) on the bulletin board at the school house.
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