Live Event with Senior VP cancelled

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The plan has been to pull the remaining ERs off TATL, I think this just accelerated that move. The ERs can now pick up domestic flying which will certainly provide some relief to the overheated system. Bid-wise, probably not as many backfills for ER copilots. And yeah, maybe some domestic flying for the big heavies too.
Quote: Anyone else have a problem with this? Not that I was going to watch it, but an event where he was going to talk about our plans for 2020 and answer questions is abruptly cancelled? Now we get a micrew brief...

Seen this a lot in my time. (Conspiracy theory alert).
I'm being very cynical now. What do you care? After all, this live event was going to be via SkyHub, right? You know, that "scary" media platform that DALPA wants us lemmings to avoid?

Methinks DALPA needs to drop their ridiculous opposition to the SkyHub. I find it to be a modestly useful source of low level info (Aerodocs pointers and the like), sprinkled with a dose of company propaganda. That's it. No conspiracy or darker agenda there. I can think for myself thank you.
Quote: The plan has been to pull the remaining ERs off TATL, I think this just accelerated that move. The ERs can now pick up domestic flying which will certainly provide some relief to the overheated system. Bid-wise, probably not as many backfills for ER copilots. And yeah, maybe some domestic flying for the big heavies too.
what are you even talking about
Quote: what are you even talking about
Have you been watching the news?
Quote: Have you been watching the news?
China is not TATL. The ERs are being pulled out of the pacific to fly the TATL markets. Our presence in China is minimal, the the 777s and 350s will be redeployed elsewhere for the time being.
Quote: China is not TATL. The ERs are being pulled out of the pacific to fly the TATL markets. Our presence in China is minimal, the the 777s and 350s will be redeployed elsewhere for the time being.
Yes, exactly what I said. When they redeploy the 777, 350 and 330s, they will displace the ERs. (On TATL and SA) The head of network wants the ERs off of international because the product is tired. That's supposed to happen over the next few years, I think this moves that forward, maybe temporarily, maybe longer.
Quote: Yes, exactly what I said. When they redeploy the 777, 350 and 330s, they will displace the ERs. (On TATL and SA) The head of network wants the ERs off of international because the product is tired. That's supposed to happen over the next few years, I think this moves that forward, maybe temporarily, maybe longer.
i was also sitting in the room when the head of network said they hated the 350 then a month later they did the LATAM deal. The ERs aren't going anywhere for a while.
The DALPA blast email detailing how pilots can call off China trips was telling.

If I read it right, drop with no pay for line holders, drop with no harm/no foul for reserve pilots. I wonder if staffing flights is becoming an issue?

Between this email, and the news story that American Airlines pilots are suing their own company to quit flying to China, I’m guessing that the public (and pilot/flight attendant) appetite for China flying is going to dry up for awhile.
Quote: The DALPA blast email detailing how pilots can call off China trips was telling.

If I read it right, drop with no pay for line holders, drop with no harm/no foul for reserve pilots. I wonder if staffing flights is becoming an issue?

Between this email, and the news story that American Airlines pilots are suing their own company to quit flying to China, I’m guessing that the public (and pilot/flight attendant) appetite for China flying is going to dry up for awhile.
Since we announced cancelling all flights through April, I'm guessing their trips will be dropped with pay and a 23k (J?) recovery obligation.
Quote: The DALPA blast email detailing how pilots can call off China trips was telling.

If I read it right, drop with no pay for line holders, drop with no harm/no foul for reserve pilots. I wonder if staffing flights is becoming an issue?

Between this email, and the news story that American Airlines pilots are suing their own company to quit flying to China, I’m guessing that the public (and pilot/flight attendant) appetite for China flying is going to dry up for awhile.
oh there would always have been guys willing to go on green slips.
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