Norway says sc**w it.

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Quote: And the response
Liberty is dangerous and scary.
Time to book a ticket
Quote: Liberty is dangerous and scary.
At this point the CDC is a total joke. They should be ignored and dismantled.
Quote: Welcome to Florida, Norway.
Doing just fine here and still FRRRREEEEEEEE

wuflu ER visits down 70%

wuflu hospital visits down 60%
(DeSantis presser)

See here we treat you with stuff that works and don't ban it.

Hope you don't get ill and have to go to a hospital in your blue **** hole. Heard there might be a shortage of qualified personnel, to include the folks that keep the lights on.

Lots are moving here, you know because it's against the law to force a medical procedure on you to keep your job.

Now GTFO and go hide in your basement.
Quote: At this point the CDC is a total joke. They should be ignored and dismantled.
The anti-intellectualism that prevails among some pilots is scary.
Quote: The anti-intellectualism that prevails among some pilots is scary.
You're a meme now.


Kinda like the jab "lessens" effects.


You have a clone to check that out on yourself?

You people have the analytical ability of a protozoa
Quote: Doing just fine here and still FRRRREEEEEEEE

wuflu ER visits down 70%

wuflu hospital visits down 60%
(DeSantis presser)

See here we treat you with stuff that works and don't ban it.

Hope you don't get ill and have to go to a hospital in your blue **** hole. Heard there might be a shortage of qualified personnel, to include the folks that keep the lights on.

Lots are moving here, you know because it's against the law to force a medical procedure on you to keep your job.

Now GTFO and go hide in your basement.
Triggered much?

I love Florida and have been enjoying my covid freedom over the last year.

I think maybe you need to maybe cut back on one of your cups of coffee every morning. Or maybe it’s your identity politics getting you riled up. If you can’t get angry at somebody you might lose yourself.
Quote: Doing just fine here and still FRRRREEEEEEEE

wuflu ER visits down 70%

wuflu hospital visits down 60%
(DeSantis presser)

See here we treat you with stuff that works and don't ban it.

Hope you don't get ill and have to go to a hospital in your blue **** hole. Heard there might be a shortage of qualified personnel, to include the folks that keep the lights on.

Lots are moving here, you know because it's against the law to force a medical procedure on you to keep your job.

Now GTFO and go hide in your basement.
If I read the chart correctly, at the very top of the spike, it was still only about 1.4 out of every 1,000 people who tested positive. Must be a fraction (maybe a small one) of that who were hospitalized. I’m a proud Florida resident, and happy to keep this all in perspective.
Australia conceding the fight…
Despite climbing numbers of cases from the delta variant, the Aussies decide its time to get back to living…

Quote: Despite climbing numbers of cases from the delta variant, the Aussies decide its time to get back to living…

I think you don’t understand the situation there at all. All they’re saying is they will let fully vaccinated citizens resume travel, and when they return to Australia they get ti quarantine for 7 days at home.

The US is and has has been way, WAY more open than that.
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