Drug smugglers shot down (video)

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T.C? You guys lost me
twin cessna?
Quote: Why the Tocano was making passes spraying the twin, instead of just getting slow getting behind from a distance. Im no fighter jet pilot, but thats what i would do instead of making passes like that... and if the plane would have reach the border with brazil, venezuela or ecuador could they still chase it?

it looks like it was nightime ops!
Never flown the Tucano but I can say that if your target is trying to fly very low and slow, it's easier to make passes at him than try to stabilize behind him without hitting the ground.

I was also wondering if it was night-time or not BUT there's no way to tell on IR imagery, day and night look essentially identical on IR. It would be pretty gutsy to be making gun passes at that altitude at night so my vote would be that it's a day mission.
Quote: T.C? You guys lost me
My initials. FLY SAFE T.C.
Man that pi$$es me off. What a waste of money and manpower. The F'ing drug war is a joke. Does anyone think they accomplished anything? (besides the obvious take down of that one plane). Our country's priorities are very screw up.
Quote: Man that pi$$es me off. What a waste of money and manpower. The F'ing drug war is a joke. Does anyone think they accomplished anything? (besides the obvious take down of that one plane). Our country's priorities are very screw up.
I would be willing to bet my house that the Tucano was not a waste of US money...it is Brazilian, or Columbian, or some other banana republic's money. Certainly accomplished the shooting down of that plane. I am not sure the effectiveness either...or with the drug eradication crop-dusting in Columbia using Air Tractor 802's. All I know is that it would be a kick in the A$$ to fly the Tucano and shoot down narco smugglers.
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