Regional pilot numbers

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Envoy 1,933 as of 8/1.
Gojet: 408 pilots for Sept. bid period
Quote: Gojet: 408 pilots for Sept. bid period

What was this # approximately 6 months ago?
Quote: A year ago 1300.
I counted 581 actually flying the line last month. That includes the 737 pilots.
Quote: What was this # approximately 6 months ago?

Feb 2021 Gojet had 552 on the union list.

Gojet have typically had 1/3 to 1/2 their pilot group in the training pipeline.
Quote: A year ago 1300.
Will increase exponentially
Quote: Will increase exponentially
You use that word “exponentially.” It does not mean what you think it means…

Inigo Montoya

I’m not actually sure there are enough unspoken for ATPs out there for ANYONE to increase exponentially today.
Quote: You use that word “exponentially.” It does not mean what you think it means…

Inigo Montoya

I’m not actually sure there are enough unspoken for ATPs out there for ANYONE to increase exponentially today.
The real story is how many CAs and CA-qualified FOs do regionals have on their seniority lists. Because new hires aren’t an issue. Regional CAs are the issue. As for the big pay increases I suspect there will be some shuffling of regional pilots between carriers, but that’s about it. Ultimately the solution for regionals is for the flying to be done on a mainline seniority list by mainline pilots. Money to stay at a regional only works to a point.
Quote: You use that word “exponentially.” It does not mean what you think it means…

Inigo Montoya

I’m not actually sure there are enough unspoken for ATPs out there for ANYONE to increase exponentially today.
Start hiring into bases and cut down on overnights and I'd dust off my atp.

Sent from my BTV-W09 using Tapatalk
Quote: Start hiring into bases

Quote: and cut down on overnights
There's usually a late PM arrival and an early AM departure. So you either have to do overnights, or standups.
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