94% no; 93% participation

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Quote: That part was a little disappointing
Quote: With about 15,000 on property there should be around 12,000 who could have voted. UA needs to learn from Delta when it comes to participation.
Last bid showed around 12,400 active pilots including new hires obviously 🤷‍♂️
Well Done! That has to be the biggest rejection of an approved TA ever.

Hahaha love it
Quote: Last bid showed around 12,400 active pilots including new hires obviously 🤷‍♂️
2,500 roughly ineligible at the June cutoff due to probationary status. I think participation was decent. PR wise, I think its best to just list the number and not get into the weeds on %'s though.
I think you are comparing apples to oranges. The participation rate of a strike vote (unity) is much different than voting on a TA. Even if all "abstain" voters were in favor of the TA, that would be an 86% turn down of the TA. That is a HUGE vote for something approved by the MEC

I agree, 100% participation and 100% No would be better, but prolly unrealistic for a contract vote. JMHO
Quote: With about 15,000 on property there should be around 12,000 who could have voted. UA needs to learn from Delta when it comes to participation.
Quote: Doesn’t the 9,980 pilots participating seem like a low percentage? I think that’s why they published the number, rather than the percentage?
There may only have been between 10000-11000 (could have been up to 12K, but don't think it was that high) at the time. Keep in mind, we are talking July, and eligible voters. Remove Management and those un-eligible to vote and you get close to my numbers (I believe)

Make no mistake, this was a higher percentage that I had hoped for AND it sends a strong message.
That being said- There are also some "other" messages in there.
Like- what was the Percentage of Eligible Voters and more importantly-
WHY did CNBC report this at 10:29am and the first email from our own union came out at 11:03am.

We are heading in the right direction at least!
All eyes on AA. Hopefully their union doesn’t put them in the same position as ours did. Long way to go to get the contract we deserve, but today was a big win. Not only for UA pilots, but the entire profession.
I know one individual who retired on his birthday early in October but was not “officially” off the property until the end of the month……and even he voted. So yes, we should consider such a low turnout from the active pilots here extremely disappointing.
Well done, UA brothers and sisters. Thanks for standing firm, it will help all of us at the other majors.
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