Mesa Upgrade down to 10 months on CRJ?

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Naw, 10 months is not accurate. I have been seeing some awards that run right around 24 months right now.
The reason upgrades are so short there is because of the severe understaffing. No one wants to work for a sorry company. The ones that ARE there unfortunately cannot see the truth. I wish them best and hope they move on to brighter pastures once they see the light.
The only problem with a 10 month upgrade at Mesa is that you have to work for Mesa...
Being a captain at Mesa airlines is not a rewarding thing to do. Think of it as MEL manager who has to dodge junior assignments left and right while managing a circus operation, for a criminal CEO.
Quote: Being a captain at Mesa airlines is not a rewarding thing to do. Think of it as MEL manager who has to dodge junior assignments left and right while managing a circus operation, for a criminal CEO.
Plus you get to dodge enforcement actions and play russian roulette with your ticket. About the time I left, I had to refuse to fly at an outstation (as an FO). Mx had talked the CA into flying back to the hub with an unresolved wasn't a white message, and Mx didn't want to write it up. Most of the CA's have more sack than that guy however.
Quote: Naw, 10 months is not accurate. I have been seeing some awards that run right around 24 months right now.

well our last award has some guys on it with a may 2007 hire date with a march 2008 CA ground school...

scarey to think about a 10 month guy with a newbie up in IAD or JFK............................................... ..................................
Quote: well our last award has some guys on it with a may 2007 hire date with a march 2008 CA ground school...

scarey to think about a 10 month guy with a newbie up in IAD or JFK............................................... ..................................
Quote: Being a captain at Mesa airlines is not a rewarding thing to do. Think of it as MEL manager who has to dodge junior assignments left and right while managing a circus operation, for a criminal CEO.

We quickly learned, and I emphasized to my FOs that the primary objective at work (in conjunction with safety) is C - Y - A. A Mesa captain is a master at this "subject."
The rumor is true
Last guy to get awarded a CRJ class was a 05/08/07 hire date. I read it right off the award sheet. Personally, I will have the time to upgrade in 10 months but I don't know if I will be comfortable enough with the my skills to take on the responsibilities of a captain. Not to say that I am a crappy pilot, but 10 months is not long enough to master an airplane and learn all the things that come with flying for an airline when it's all new and the last thing you did was fly out of a GA airport flight instructing. We shall see. Mesa may not even exist in another ten months with the mass exodus of pilots they are dealing with right now. They can't train people fast enough to keep up. Because we don't have enough pilots QOL sucks, because QOL sucks more pilots leave, and the cycle continues.
Quote: well our last award has some guys on it with a may 2007 hire date with a march 2008 CA ground school...

scarey to think about a 10 month guy with a newbie up in IAD or JFK............................................... ..................................
A 10 month new-hire would need to have flown somewhere else before...hopefully they still require 1000 hours turbine time....RIIIIIIIIIGHT???

Now I'm worried.
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