Citation Bravo 135 or 121 Regional

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Quote: Yeah I'm not trying to bend any FARs just trying to figure out how I can get some PIC time without having to go to a local fbo and buy it, cus we all know that on first year FO pay there isn't any extra cash to go and do that. Anyone with any ideas? I don't have a CFI so that is out at least for now.

Stay put.... if you're at a common regional, you're only about 2 years from the left seat anyway and at 1000 hrs/yr. you'll be right on track for that frac job in about 3 years. Sounds like an eternity away, but you need to build the time, there is no way around that and you need the upgrade for PIC time, no way around that, either. Like previously posted, you are extremely lucky to be in the position you're in, not having to pay any CFI dues, so don't sweat it. Get the experience at the regional, not in some friend's Baron boring holes in the sky and going into debt just to build PIC time.... the fracs could care less about that kind of time anyway. Good luck.
FOCUS on building more quality jet time to give you more options down the line... The regional will give you the time you need faster. I would stay put. Plus, after getting 1500-2000 hours worth of experience on a CR7, you can pretty much fly any glass airplane out there - Falcons, Citation Xs, Challengers, etc. Get the hours and experience you need to advance.
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