Netjets - Cockpit Doors?

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Quote: I'm sorry, um, WHAT does this "sentence" mean?

Wait a minute are you Miss Teen South Carolina, and educated in The Iraq?
Wow, wow, wow! Hold it! It's "I-Rack"!
LoL I love it!
typing this was hard since I'm rolling on the floor. lol
"say what again, I dare you"
Remember, in fractional's "their" airplane. Closing and locking a kevlar door is not an option.
No reading? Wow, that's rough. That may not be a big deal to some, but a 3 or 4 hr. leg makes me pretty out of it without some mental stimulation.

Is there much interaction with the customers enroute, normally?
Interaction with owners varies. Most are very pleasant and want to be left alone. Others will come up and talk. Occasionally you'll get one who wants to serve you something to drink. Usually on the long flight, you can check up on them when you go to the lav.
I know plenty of guys that read mags and newspapers in the cockpit at NJA. Personally, I listen to my ipod.
I never flew for Netjets, but I did fly lears and hawkers for 5 years for a 135 company, and to say that reading material is not allowed up front is absurd....I read the newspaper everyday, and when a passenger asked about me doing so I assured them everything was under control, the autopilot is doing a fine job, and then went back to my reading.
Quote: I know plenty of guys that read mags and newspapers in the cockpit at NJA. Personally, I listen to my ipod.
Sounds like HR is slipping again. If you guys have to read the paper and listen to the ipod, perhaps MESA is a better fit. I would think and F16 driver would have plenty of stories to tell to fill up a 6 hour flight
Quote: Is the private jets that I am calm about is the people that see this that you and I don't know how they are? capice
I am not a fractional guy but 135 operators are "suppose to" cross check passenger manifests with the TSA's no fly list on a daily basis (Im sure none of them actually do that), I assume that fractionals are suppose to do the same.
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