Internet dating for pilots

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Quote: If a cougar is an older woman dating (or prowling) younger men, what do you call an older man looking for younger women? An old goat? Or how about a Jackass?
You call him a man. Duh.
or just a divorced pilot!!!
Quote: If a cougar is an older woman dating (or prowling) younger men, what do you call an older man looking for younger women? An old goat? Or how about a Jackass?
or Midlife Crisis?
in all honesty though, older men can be very hot.
I prefer older men myself, but not those with the following:

large belly like they are 9 months pregnant
hair on their backs and bunghole and ear and other places which should not have hair
tits bigger than mine
thinning hair on the head
fungal toenails
knobby knees

However, if you have most or all of the above and you are a FedEx MD-11 captain, I might (just might) make an exception!! bwahahahahahaha.
Oh my god, you guys are tremendous!!
I just go to a bar, have a few, announce im a pilot, take my pick, works everytime.
Quote: If a cougar is an older woman dating (or prowling) younger men, what do you call an older man looking for younger women? An old goat? Or how about a Jackass?
Most younger women call that a Sugar Daddy.
Quote: I just go to a bar, have a few, announce im a pilot, take my pick, works everytime.
Given the whole self proclamation should have results paralleling Moses splitting the sea with certain females, I have yet to win em over in that aspect.
Married for quite a while now, and quite happy. That said, even if I wasn't, I don't think that I would want to go to any of those sites anyway.

I mean I have the high end McAfee, but I don't know if it even has enough virus protection.
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