Great Lakes Hiring

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Question for Moonship
When did you hire on and how much time then and now?
Quote: maybe its because the information I am looking for isn't out there or current
Or maybe you could just add to one of the existing threads instead of opening a new one?
Quote: Two more reasons why nobody wants to fly for them.
Gotta love when CFI's with a few hours act like they know what the industry is all about! Sit back and learn little buddy! Go sit in the right seat of an RJ for a few years and then bestow us all with your insight!
Quote: Or maybe you could just add to one of the existing threads instead of opening a new one?
It's not like there's a limited amount of thread space. No need to be the forum police.
Quote: It's not like there's a limited amount of thread space. No need to be the forum police.
I'm merely making a logical suggestion. There's a Comair thread, a Mesaba thread, a Pinnacle thread....etc....

Why have 20 threads for Great Lakes? Group all those ideas and ?'s in the same place and then maybe people can find the answers they need instead of having to sift through multiple threads.

I didn't realize how much people hate it when a new thread is started. Obviously I am new to APC forum and I did it mostly because I wanted to get feedback from current Great Lakes pilots.

I am in a situation where I can go back to a very well paid CFI job or look for a Part 135 or Regional job.

The dilemma I have is that I am a college student who instructs part time. Before I came back to school I had a very good instructing job in phoenix and I have the option of going back there for great pay and schedule. When I want to leave for something turbine I do not want to have to take a HUGE pay cut and would rather accept it now.

Any thoughts?
Quote: Gotta love when CFI's with a few hours act like they know what the industry is all about! Sit back and learn little buddy! Go sit in the right seat of an RJ for a few years and then bestow us all with your insight!
I dont know it all. But Im not going to lower the bar yet again by taking a job that pays much less than what I make as a CFI. I will hold out for a job that has better pay, pays during training, and better QOL. Im not looking to build time, I build about 100 a month and learn alot more doing this then I would flying around on autopilot. People who go out and fly for food and will work for $16/hr is what is making this industry the way it is.
Quote: I dont know it all. But Im not going to lower the bar yet again by taking a job that pays much less than what I make as a CFI. I will hold out for a job that has better pay, pays during training, and better QOL. Im not looking to build time, I build about 100 a month and learn alot more doing this then I would flying around on autopilot. People who go out and fly for food and will work for $16/hr is what is making this industry the way it is.
Agreed. I was once hyped about getting PIC turbine time as fast as possible, and making $16/hour. One thing I learned from my Great Lakes interview (this is what they HR lady actually told me), that with the 15 month training contract, if either you quit OR you get fired, you owe that contract back. I asked her if I failed the checkride in IOE, or any recurrent training, and got fired, if I would have to pay the contract; and she told me YES. I believe she also told me that the $7,500 started accumulating intrest as soon as you got fired or quit. That turned me off.

But back to bradeku's point, if you want 121 experience, and want to be captain after a year, then go for it. If you want to earn money to survive, and to pay off student loans, get a great aerial survey job like I have, or another gig that suits you, and bank $$$; fly a twin a year after you get with the company, and get multi PIC time. I hear the airlines hire from all types of aviation jobs (121, 135, straight CFI, aerial survey). I know, because they hired me straight out of an aerial survey gig.

Just get some experience. Straight out of college I was hyped about flying for the regionals, but once I got out there in the industry, I found other types of aviation jobs. Just explore the possibilities.
Well then you would be suprised to know what you get paid flying an rj. I imagine somewhere between 19 and 23 dollars and hour. Do the per seat math of 19 seats at 16 dollars/hour vs 70 seats at 23dollars/ hour. Generally, 2nd year pay at lakes is captain pay at 27 /hr vs what 34 per hour at other regionals. Yeah, pay sucks everywhere, you see, so stop acting like an RJ gig is SUPERSWEET. It's a means to an end and I would choose the quickest route to that end, but either one sucks as far as pay is concerned. Oh and by the way you are correct that CFI'ing is better pay and good for you for going that route. However, CFIing is better pay than Eagle, Skywest,Republic, MESA etc., as well. Now I must digress; with the industry as slow as it is and assuming it stays that way for a few years, I would rather be in a jet with a little better QOL if I were to be stuck somewhere for 10 years. But just so ya know I was making a whopping 45K per year after 4 years at GLA because of being able to move up the ranks so quickly. That quick movement helps make up for that crappy first year pay even though its still not enough to stick around very long. Good luck and remember that when handing out career advise to people new to aviation that being a CFI is a very short pedestal from which to lead. (Blind Leading Blind)
Is GLA still currently hiring for classes or for a pool?

I'm very interested and would appreciate any info regarding classes etc. and how long does it take for them to get back to you after you submit your application?

any info on hiring minimums and how soon to expect a class date? saw it was 750 tt, is that the bare min's or do they want 1000 + ? i ask because i dont even meet the 750tt min's, so wondering if i stand a chance!

any info appreciated, thanks so much!
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