Any ATP guy out of DAB Here?

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Quote: That's not true...
Care to elaborate?
Yea you make like 20k for your first year with a big loan on your pocket, but just like any professional job you do pay a lot when you got to college, then you just got to work yourself up. No one starts from the top.
Quote: Yea you make like 20k for your first year with a big loan on your pocket, but just like any professional job you do pay a lot when you got to college, then you just got to work yourself up. No one starts from the top.


If theres a will theres a way.
Quote: agree

If theres a will theres a way.
Maybe starting your own business would suit you better then... As a pilot you essentially at the mercy of the economy and airline executives. I have friends at regionals that are 5 year FO's making 37K a year, I am pretty sure they have the will and experience to upgrade but there is simply NOTHING that they can do about it. Will and hard work means almost nothing in this industry, it is 90% luck and 10% knowing the right people.

People that spend all this money for flight training are not doing themselves any favors, they are simply examples of why the shortage will never come. Trust me, if I had the opportunity the surf the internet and read message boards such as this one I would have never wasted my time and money chasing the myth and hoping that I might be the ''lucky'' one. The investemnt of becoming a pilot is a very bad idea I am not here to attack anyone but please think about... I like flying as much as the next guy but anything done not at your will or done repetitively is just a job.
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