Happy 4th of July!

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Quote: In your defense and others, over the Internet, especially in a post it is difficult to understand ones frame of mind when they post something, or their intent on doing so because there is no body language or mannerisms to support them.
Thanks for the post and for your PM. I agree that there is considerable nuance absent in forums posts and it's up to the author of such posts to recognize that and to compensate by fully explaining the intent. My apologies for not fully explaining why I posted and my point.

While on AD, I spent 31 months on det. (USMC) and know how bad it can suck to be away from family and friends while risking life and limb for the mission. I clearly respect what your doing and know that you and the Marines that you serve with have integrity beyond reproach with respect to our country.

A heartfelt THANK YOU & Semper Fi Marine.

As I mentioned, I am saddened at the rate of freedoms we enjoy as Americans are stripped away by politicians. I don't want to make this a political thread because there are enough special interests on both sides of the isle to make everyone sick. Regardless of political affiliation, I would hope that Independence day included a review of elected officials performance to ensure that they represent "We the People".
I do not usually post outside of the few threads in the Hangar after being excoriated by some here, but until HSLD tells me that I'm banned, I'm just going to continue posting when I feel compelled. It is perfectly fine to disagree with me, but please spare me the name-calling or snide remarks.

This topic has some special meaning to me. Indeed, the 4th of July is more than just another day off for me. I am a first generation American. Born in another country, my family made the conscious decision to move here. We had the choice of a number of other countries, but chose this one because of the many basic human principles it stands for - freedom, opportunity, tolerance. I recall quite vividly the citizenship ceremony. A few months later, I exercised a new right I now possess - I voted. (I was even interviewed by the local newspaper).

I agree with the other posters here on the apparent loss of certain freedoms and rights. I see it everyday in my law practice, and the impact and consequences on my clients. I have heard so many heart-wrenching stories that if I did not know better, I would have thought I were in some backwater, Third World country. The questions I ask myself are how I can correct this and am I doing enough. I have travelled to every continent in the world except Africa. I always come back home. We are all very fortunate this is our home.

And Shawn, thank you for your service and voyez-vous bientot, safe and at home. We've got that dinner date, remember? (PS: Dinner goes for all those who responded to my discovery flight thread, if ever you find yourself in the Pacific Northwest).
Quote: (PS: Dinner goes for all those who responded to my discovery flight thread, if ever you find yourself in the Pacific Northwest).
If that includes El Gaucho...I can even bring a photo of an MD-80

Thanks to all for the emotion, tack, and advocacy in this thread. As many of us have traveled the globe, the US is still a pretty good place to call home. I share the belief that citizens need to take an active role in government so that our children's children can still call the USA land of the free.

Happy 4th everyone.
Happy 4th of July!
I want to throw out a big thanks to all of you men and women of our armed forces. This is the land of the free because of the brave. Thanks for all you've done!
I would like to throw this out...although he doesnt read this site, i talk about him often as far as him recently realizing his aviation dream because of me getting my ticket a few years ago and he started to pursue his lifelong dream of flight. My father started training in a J-3 in a 2000' grass strip in NH for his sport pilots license and 50 hours later (I know sport PPL takes 20 hrs, but he is having fun learning) he is almost there. He loves it so much he recently bought a sport tailwheel plane, the highlander, and bought a hanger at the grass strip in NH! Happy flying to him and more importantly......

Happy Birthday Dad!! He was born on the 4th of July, 19XX I will not date him on this site....
Quote: If that includes El Gaucho...I can even bring a photo of an MD-80
Yes, it's El Gaucho. It has to be an Alaska MD-80 now. And with any luck, one particular Captain comes to mind.
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