Atlas Schedule

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Seemed good. No big surprises. There were 13 yesterday and 14 today. Everybody interviewed was 40'ish and seemed to be highly qualified.
Good luck. We are likely going to be hiring for quite some time, but it is always nice to get in on the ground floor.
Quote: Good luck on your interview!

1) Not merged yet. CBA still being negotiated but will end up in arbitration in the fall, maybe?

2) It occurs but not as much since STN has been closed.

3) Varies by person. Count on guarantee. New hire 50 then 62 after.

4) Again depends on family structure and network. Guys are able to do it but doesn't mean it is for you and your family. Ask yourself and spouse. Can I be gone up to 17 days, 21 in certain situations, without undo stress and drama each day and asking "when are you coming home"?

5) It's getting better and hopefully a lot better after the cba is in place maybe at the start of 2011? If you like travel around the globe with changes that are common, no trip/pay protection, then go for it.
Guys are cool to fly with, it is an adventure and the -400 is fun to fly when it is your turn to fly(twice a month, maybe).

Good luck with your decision.
Here is a question... Lets say tha 21 days pass on the road and you are finally home... How long do you remain off for?
Quote: Here is a question... Lets say tha 21 days pass on the road and you are finally home... How long do you remain off for?

It depends upon your bid and the time of the month you returned home. You have 17 days you owe the company each month and you have 13 (or 14 days in a 31 day month) off. If you get back from your 21 days on the 2nd of June then you could have the 3d through the 15th off and head back to work if that was what you received in your June bid. If you get back from your 21 days on the 17th of June and can successfully bid the first 13 days of July off then you will go back to work on the 14th of July. That's a long way of saying that doing 21 days in a row doesn't garner you extra days off. It's the arrangement of them that makes the difference.
my 1st 6 mos i have averaged 17 days at home. i was extended 1 day in 7 mos-over guarantee 3 of 6 mos. buddy was over guar. every month but home less than i.

1 trip was 31/32 days, on purpose, to get vacation ceo liked how it worked out. sometimes she says my trips r too short, and wants me to ask the company to keep me out far my shortest trip was 1 day.
Best of luck!
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