Cover letter in an email

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Just to clarify - typically references aren't listed on a pilot resume (sometimes it's beneficial, but that depends on the airline.) I'd just omit the line "...available upon..."
Hi Lori,
What is your opinion on mailing (snail mail) a resume and cover letter to a chief pilot, or HR individual if you know their name and work address? Could that be viewed as a negative? It seems that with everything being done these days via email, or applying on the company website and the thousands of applications that are sent in it would be so easy to get lost in all the other files and never even get looked at. Your thoughts?
OK, digging up this old thread which is relevant to me.

Some airlines have the option to attach a resume and a cover letter separately to the online application; that is straight forward, do as described. Others only have the option to only attach a resume; is it common to attach a two page file in this case, namely a one page cover letter and a one page resume all in the same file? Or attach the resume without a cover letter?

Looking forward to any input.
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