Aircraft without unofficial nicknames

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Quote: Hmmm...never heard a Hornet called "Bug". Why would you name an aircraft something it can't do?
That was a low blow... but funny. Although living in your turn circle it rarely needs too!

Quote: E/F model hornets: the super bug.
The E/F is the Rhino. Bug and Superbug are gay.
I thought they called the F-18 the Rhino as well?

E/F hornets because of the pizza box
The F-111 wasn't "officially" called the Aardvark until the day it was retired from service.
We call the C-21 the "cougar". Makes for a great Cougar Driver patch.
Quote: That was a low blow... but funny. Although living in your turn circle it rarely needs too!
Thanks! It's all good.

Witty fighter repartee...I kinda miss it.
C-133 "The Douglas Horizontal Flying Wheat Silo"
Citation = Slowtation, Saab 340 = Slob, Swedish Blender
Quote: Thought it was Gucci...
Gucci is for the pilots. But that is so far from true it isn't funny.

I've been to three "bare bones" bases, built two tents, lived in them, and consumed more MREs than I care to remember during my active duty KC-10 career. I wouldn't exactly call it the KC-10 Gucci unless you were in it prior to AMC getting their dirty hands on it. The only thing left that is Gucci are the DV and Silver Bullet missions. My C-17 friends in my squadron only know what 5-star hotels are. Tents, are you kidding? Not my words, theirs.
The KC-10 is Gucci because of the working galley, the flush toilet, and the sound insulation. If you wear airline style telex headsets, you're Gucci.
Quote: The KC-10 is Gucci because of the working galley, the flush toilet, and the sound insulation. If you wear airline style telex headsets, you're Gucci.
Hehe, beat me to it. During GW1, we'd show at the aircraft (BUFF) 2.5 hours before takeoff to do our pre-flight, weapons pre-flight, and 45-minute engine running INS ground align.

Across the ramp, the Gucci boys would show up 15 minutes before takeoff to an already air conditioned jet (pre-flighted and APU started by flight engineer), start the engines and taxi out

P.S. Doesn't anyone call the F-4 "the brick"?
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