Commercial Pilot in college, now what??

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I should've mentioned, but basically just keep flying when you can, as often as your studies and budget will allow.

I know you don't have the times for it, but I knew of a couple of college kids at Purdue that were working some 135 freight every night on top of their schooling. How's that for a time-builder! But, they had to already have 1200hrs before they started that.
This is the beauty of on line classes; instead of figuring out how to make flying work around our school schedule we can now make school work around our flying schedule! For those that are unfamiliar, a degree earned on line is no different from a degree earned in a campus classroom. Almost all of the well known state universities are now offering on line classes. This is a fairly new development (within the last 5 to 6, 7, maybe 8 years) and should be taken advantage of by young aspiring career pilots in our situation.
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