How important is having a CFI?

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Quote: I'm getting my resume together for the upcoming hiring at the legacy airlines. Today I realized that I haven't taken any online CFI renewal in a while and realized I let my CFI lapse. How many points will I lose as far as trying to get an interview during the application process without a CFI? Currently I have 6000+TT, 1000 TPIC and 4-year degree. Should I look into getting my CFI reinstated so I can mark an extra box on an application or do they not put much weight on that anyways? Thanks in advance for the replies.

Should not be a huge deal, but many other applicants will have an active CFI so that might give someone the slimmest competitive edge.

But there are plenty of airline poeple with lapsed CFI's, so you won't be alone.

Worth taking a checkride? I doubt it unless you have other reasons for wanting an active cert. IMO the exposure to risk of a checkride failure is too much downside for the possible small benefit.
Just add a dual given column to your flight time totals on your resume, or list it under your job experience, if you don't have a crap load of jobs, like I have.

Also, not sure how your resume is layed out, but I have a small section for other activities / achievements... can't remember what I have it titled, but it contains things like seminars attended, other certifications (non-aviation), such as MCSE and MCP, and my 50ton Masters/Mates License.

I have never had my CFI rating, but I also have never been to a Legacy, so not sure. I imagine in a system that electronically scans your resume or application, that every little bit would help give extra points.
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